Sunday, April 24, 2011

This is my brother:
(As you can see, we take after different sides of the family)
We were not close when we were kids. We didn't fight necessarily (no one fights in my family) but we never had that sibling bond that some brothers and sisters have. Sometime during my Sophomore year of High School, November I believe as I had just broken up with Blake for the last time, we were driving home from school and it seemed to dawn on us that we were no longer 7 and 9, and we could actually have a conversation. About things.
Sometimes, it seems like he, my nerdy, Dungeons and Dragons, National Test Out Champion, Computer Engineer brother, is the only one who really understands what I do in school.
My dad seems to get it, more so than my mom anyway, who sees Athletic Training only as a stepping stone for me onto Physical Therapy. No matter how many times I've told her that right now I'm an athletic training student, she insists on telling people that I'm in PT school and will not acknowledge my undergraduate degree - nevermind it is that undergrad that has taught me everything I know so far that she finds so impressive.
Most males I tell just go, "Oh man! So do you ever get a chance to work with the Men's Basketball team? Cause that would be great!" No, I never did work with them, and I'm so glad I didn't - biggest bunch of egotistical, unintelligent, children I've ever met. Working with the Men's Soccer team and Women's Track team however, was a wonderful experience.
That one girl who's friends with some of my Exercise Science counterparts, who thought all we did all class was watch ESPN so we could learn the rules and how to play all different sports. Um... not quite sweetheart.

But my brother is really the only one who not only asks me about all aspects of my knowledge, from injury to nutrition to proper hydration, but he is also the one who seems to listen to what I tell him and follow my advice. Last year, when he asked me not to feel like crap after a work out, I told him to drink more water. A week later, I got a message from him saying that he now carries a water bottle with him to work and feels SO MUCH BETTER. When I suggested he replace his 4 year old running shoes he asked me what brand and what style and where to get them. He asks me about the physiological reasoning behind shin splints and why he is only just getting them now.
I know Drew secretly takes my advice. I have heard him defend the advice I give to others with a simple, "Dude, look, she KNOWS what she is talking about. She goes to school for this. She didn't get it out of some magazine from a meat-head like you do." But he has yet to ask me, to my face, about anything, yet to admit to me that he is indeed following my advice and he does believe I know what I'm talking about. I ask him if he will listen to me when I'm a doctor. Sometimes it's disheartening to hear him say "No," even though I know the internal answer is, "Of course, I listen to you now."

My brother is the smartest person I know. Like crazy brilliant smart.
And I think it's funny, that I was on the fence of liking my hair being this short, swaying back and forth between thinking it was cute and thinking it was stupid until he said "Hey, I like it!" And now I like it, cause apparently my big brother's opinion matters to me the most.

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