Wednesday, April 13, 2011

About 3 hours post-shower my hair is still slightly damp and I can get it to do whatever I want.
Last night, I got really bored reading physics, so I started twirling bits of my hair around my finger in very BoredGril kind of way.
Which turned into tight, perfect, ringlettes all over my head.

When shaken out, they end up looking like this:

Which, to me, seems a bit unfair. Why is it that my hair is only nice and bouncy and curly and light at 10 o'clock at night when I'm about ready for bed and no one will see it unless I take a silly webcab photo and put it on my blog to prove to the world that I am capable of existing even if my hair is not in a ponytail.
This morning, I got up a few minutes early in an attempt to recreate the awesomeness that was last night. Unfortunately, I was trying to look nice because I had somewhere to be (class) and therefore my hair is nothing but droppy, frizzy, knotted, and sticking out at odd angles. Of course.
I gave up awhile ago. It's back in a ponytail. It's a nicer-than-usual-ponytail though. That's got to count for something right?

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