Friday, April 22, 2011

Anyone want to take a guess as to which loop my belt always got buckled on?
Now I need a new belt. I've been able to just shove the buckle through the fabric for the last...week?... or so, but every day one more row of cloth frays and I don't know how much longer this is going to last.

I need a lot of new clothes actually. New belt; new bras - I think I'm going to be adventurous and buy some with MORE THAN ONE COLOR on them for the first time whenever I get around to buying them; new underwear; new jeans - I refuse to buy them if they do not fit perfectly; new shoes; and probably new black slacks.
Ugh. So many things. So much money.

I got an "Easter Basket" in the mail from my mom yesterday, complete with that horrible plastic grass that I really dislike but don't have the heart to tell my mom because she thinks she's being cute and I don't want to ruin that for her. I got granola bars to snack on for the next three weeks, a giftcard to Starbucks (sweet!), a can of soup (?), and some candy. I know this sounds horrible and makes me sound like a spoiled brat... but I'm going to say it anyway... there was no money in this package. There's ALWAYS been money in our Easter baskets. When we were little, it was never spending money, just a check we would turn around and give back to dad to put into our savings account. But the past two years there's been about $50 in my Easter package, which my dad liked to call "some spending cash-o-la." And I have to admit, I am slightly disappointed. I was looking forward to spending cash; Nichole and I were planning on going out to dinner sometime next week.

There's just so much less money in my checking account than there was this time last year. Not so much so that I'm worried about food or rent or anything... for this year. But I have three more years of school.
And this is my last summer to work and attempt to build up my checking account at all.
But this is also my last summer break.
I'm torn between working two jobs and trying to get 50-60 hours a week again for the two and a half months that I'm going to be home or just being content with what I get at Hand and Ortho and being able to go on lots trips (San Francisco?) and just have fun. I still owe my parents $10,000 for school and right now that's about $6000 more than I have. I know I'll never make that much this summer, but I can at least try to get them the $5000 I owe for my fifth year right? Then pay them back the rest after I graduate and get a job?

Well, I just talked to my mom, who said my parents are feeling rich, and that I should play this summer.
That solves that I guess.

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