Friday, April 1, 2011

Edit: Now with Split Peas!

Dear Lake Michigan,
Your vastness confuses me.

Best Regards,

I have previously explained that my internal monologue is either very rational, a mentally challenger butterfly, or an inner-city thug; it would be correct to assume that the internal rational for most things I do is quite questionable at best.
Example: Tonight.
Situation: Last week I bought a 5lb bag of rice, because I love me some rice and it is necessary that there is always some in my fridge for easy access. Split Peas happened to be on sale that day, so I got a bag of those too.
Result: It's about 9:00pm; I've been to Physics class, I've been to Homestead Highschool and athletic trainer...ed like a boss, I've read over the chapter in Physics, I've taken a nap, I've been to the gym, I've eaten dinner, and now I am bored.
Internal monologue: "I just finished the last bit of rice that was in the fridge with dinner, I should make some more." When I open the cubord to get the salt, because I am impatient and YES THE TWO SECONDS THAT WATER BOILS FASTER IF YOU ADD SALT REALLY DOES [not actually] MAKE A DIFFERENCE, I see my split peas. "Hmm, maybe I should make some of those with the rice. After all, they are yellow, apparently high in fiber and protein (incomplete protein though), low in cholesterol, and would make a nice contrast if I mixed them in with the rice. 3 cups of water to one cup of split peas huh? Well one cup doesn't seem like that much, I'll just make the whole bag."
What I think while rice and split peas begin to boil: "Mwa-ha! I shall feast on this for probably over a week and the fruits of my labor shall not be in vain!!"

What I end up with:

Internal Monologue: "Well what in the goddamn hell am I going to do with NINETEEN CUPS [yes, I measured] of split peas and rice?"

My internal monologue, while highly persuasive, is not very spacially oriented and forgets that both rice and bean-like things e-x-p-a-n-d when cooked. Which leads me to the mentally challenged butterfly assumption, cause I make rice like, once every 5 days.

Dear itunes,
Fleetwood Mac was an excellent choice to skip to while on random. Most of the time I am clicking on the next song button looking for something to listen to that I worry you get discouraged. I just wanted you to know you are doing an excellent job.

With auditory satisfaction,

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