Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chroni-WHAT-cles of Narnia!

Not really. There is no magical wardrobe in my apartment that leads to Narnia. There isn't a wardrobe in my apartment at all actually. And I do not care for the series.
This is a chronicle of my Walk to Class.

Look at the clock, it takes me about 7 minutes to walk to this particular class, but I figure if I am chronicling then I should give myself some extra time:

Lock the door because I definitely trust no one in this apartment complex not to enter my apartment and steal things:

Very blurry hallway:

Down the stairs from the third floor. This is always an indicator of how my knee is doing. I can feel fine walking around, but if my knee hurts as I go down the stairs on my way to the gym I know running is for sure out:

Check for coupons. Today there was one for milk!

Wonder why I live in such a shit-hole place. The more I talk to people the more they just feel bad that my whole preception of Wisconsin is almost-wrong-side-of-the-tracks-Milwaukee. They all promise me the rest of the state is very nice.
Take the random warn-down path that cuts a grand 30 seconds off my travel time:

Cross the street, watch for cars pulling out of the student parking lot to the right and the dental school parking lot to the left:

Envy the Camaro in the dental school parking lot:

Change music to The Rolling Stones:

Dental school. Think about how I need to inquire about whether or not they offer very cheap cleanings performed by the dental students:

Worry about spontaniously turning into a gypsy and bursting into interpretive dance, which would involve lots of slow twirling in circles, while I listen to Paint It Black.

Think about how you can see at least 1 Blue Light phone where ever you are on campus:

Arrive at Cramer Hall for General Medicine in Athletic Training.

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