Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Another thing I've always been looking forward to having in my own house: Epic Kitchen Accessories Magnet!
From left you see: Pizza Cutter (??), my favorite new sharp knife, a knife I don't know what to do with, my favorite new (small) sharp knife, the useless fruit knife from yesterday, scissors, and a can opener.
I have yet to have to open any cans, but I did at one point my freshmen year, hence, the can opener. I don't know why I have a pizza cutter, my aunt gave it to me among other apartment necessary things for my birthday. I may just like new knives as much as new socks. They are so sharp I feel like I could do one of those "watch me cut this thing-you-usually-struggle-to-cut with one effortless swish" commercials. The last knife I really don't know what to do with. There was an explanation on the packaging, but that has long since been thrown away. It's serated though, so maybe... bread? It doesn't look like our bread knife at home though, it's too small.

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