Sunday, September 12, 2010

Today was full of soccer.
We hosted a Tournament this weekend, so not only did I go in at 8:30 for regular pre-game treatments and set up (game was at 11:30- we lost to Santa Clara), but then I stayed for the 2:00 game as the Marquette medical staff contact for the visiting teams. That game when into double overtime, so I didn't get back to my apartment until 5pm.
The weather was BEAUTIFUL today, so that was a plus. Unfortunately, four hours in the beautiful weather caused me to burn. So I have a wonderful farmer tan going, as well as raccoon eyes from my sunglasses and a little tiny triangle from where the front of my shirt was unbuttoned.
My forehead kind of hurts.

It amazes me how just sitting in the sun for that long completely drains you.

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