Saturday, September 4, 2010

Today, Lita and I went down to the Made in Milwaukee festival thing in Cathedral Square. There was hipster art, organic vegetables, and music I wasn't too fond of. Apparently, Cathedral Square is where everything happens: Jazz in the Park, Farmer's Market, all that.

We lost interest rather quickly and decided to wander around Metro Market for a bit, because who doesn't like wandering around posh grocery stores with over-priced goods?
On the way there, we met a squirrel who kept looking like he would have been happy to eat us.

Coming out of Metro Market, we saw this, which has no explanation.

Then I went to Pick n' Save to do my real grocery shopping. It was a success! I was able to get out of there for under $50, which was my goal. I can't decide if I'm going to go to the store weekly and get a few things that I need, or try to stretch it out as long as possible and then make a big trip. Actually, I just made my decision. I live on the third floor, so trying to get three weeks worth of groceries up to my apartment wouldn't be fun. Plus, I am carless, so lots of groceries wouldn't be fun on the bus either.
I'm glad I have fruit and milk again though.

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