Sunday, September 26, 2010

So I found out this morning that Eggo Multigrain waffles do not have the same flavor or consistency of regular waffles, which was slightly disappointing. I tell myself they taste better though, because I need more fiber in my diet.
You'd think if I was going to be eating Eggos I'd just go for the original and accept it's not good for me. But I'd like to at least pretend I'm eating a nutritious breakfast.

I think Nutrition is slowly starting to ruin me forever. I've started keeping track of how much riboflavin I'm getting each day. I'm realizing how much of what I eat isn't actually food, but "eatable food-like substances." Like wheat thins, there's no such thing as a wheat thin tree.
Nichole keeps talking about how we need to go down to the farmer's market and buy a bunch of organic produce. While this is an excellent idea in theory, I cannot afford to pay twice as much for half the product that I could get at Pick n' Save. Maybe I'll try it when I'm a real adult with a real adult income, but for now, it's hormones and chemicals for me. I figure I've been eating them for the past 20 years and I'm still doing just fine, there's really no need to switch now.
Almost everything in the American diet started out as corn.
Cereal? Corn
Big Mac? Corn
Pasta? Corn
Soda? Corn
Just read the label. High fructose CORN syrup. (which really isn't as evil as they want you to think. It's all about moderation.)

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

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