Friday, September 24, 2010

I went for a run down to the lake and back this morning. It was glorious. And my knee didn't bother me at all, which is good.
Although I'm pretty sure decided to train for and run the half marathon two years ago has biased me for life. It's hard knowing that I am (or at least was) capable of running for 5... 8.. 10... 13 miles without stopping; when I'm only going four at most now. Even after a year anything less than 5 miles seems like a "short run" to me. Logically I know that most people think of going for a run as a mile long, maybe two; and that most people wouldn't consider 7 miles a "nice distance."

There's not a whole lot of stuff I do just FOR ME, but running is one of them. I love that I can put my ipod in and just go. Not have to talk to anyone. Not have to think. Just run.

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