Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why, yes. I do feel all sorts of snazzy with my official Gatorade water bottle. Which I got for free cause I'm just that cool. Actually, it's cause I'm an AT, but we're still cool either way.

Speaking of being an AT student. Today in Physics lab we were shooting little metal balls (about 1 inch in diameter) out of little spring-loaded cannons to calculate distance and velocity and time and all that fun stuff. Right before we started working our TA was all "ok, who are the Athletic Training Students in here." It was only me, so I raised my hand. I expected he was going to come tell me I was in charge if anyone's toes got broken (which A) no I would not be in charge of that, the PHYSICS department is in charge of that and B) the balls we were using were not heavy enough or going fast enough to do anything but maybe sting for a few seconds). Anyway, the TA comes over and is all "So I'm running in the Milwaukee Marathon this Saturday, and for the past few weeks my Achilles tendinitis has been really bad. ... Is there anything I can do for that on Saturday."
So I kind of smiled and told him how to tape his heel to take pressure and stress off the Achilles. It made me feel pretty good about myself. :)

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