Sunday, March 27, 2011

Last summer, Miss Sarah and I went to IKEA and wandered around looking at all the things we wanted to buy, but could not afford to, and talkd about how great it will be when we are both doctors and can walk through almost any store and just say, "I want this, and this, and that, and four of those," and just BUY THEM. She ended up getting a coffee table for her house and I bought two wonderful smelling candles, which you can see displayed above.

Last night I got home from grocery shopping, looked at my bed, and thought that I should take a short nap before going to te gym, for I could tell I was quickly sinking into IF YOU DO NOT SLEEP YOU WILL DIE mode, which is my body's way of telling me it is tired. The time was about 6pm.
At 8:30pm, I woke up briefly, looked at the clock, and decided that I would just try to go back to sleep until morning. A noble quest, I thought.
At 9:30pm I woke up again, this time not so drunk with sleep that I knew staying in bed any longer would lead me to waking up the next morning around 4am, ready to start my day. Thought about how I REALLY need to wash my hair, studied for a bit, talked to Drew, then crawled back into bed around 12:30am-1:00am.
When I woke up at 9:00am this morning, I felt wonderful. The tension headache is gone, the shoulder pain is gone, the stomachache is gone.
If only I could stop my brain from having crazydreams every night, I would feel this good all the time.

The average temperature for Milwaukee this time of year is 46*. It is currently 31*. I am fully aware the average temperature is the temperature is NEVER REALLY IS, but I'm tired of the cold. I would go for a run outside if it wasn't so damn windy.

1 comment:

  1. I want it to be Spring. I want it to be sunny, and I want little flowers to be in bloom. Winter just needs to hurry up and die.
