Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hmm... Lets see if I have a picture today...
I don't.

So let's go back through space and time, to a simpler time, an easier time, an I'm-dressed-up-for-80's-Day-during-Homecoming-Week-in-2007 time:

Hmm.. yup. :D
Oh the pre-birthcontrol-boobs, how I miss you, you wonderfully perky B-cups you.

Fun Fact: I much preferred my very androgenous small breasted, straight hipped, square shouldered pre-puberty body to the one I have know, even though how I look know would be considered much more aesthetically pleasing by society's standards.
My dad used to tell me I was nothing but muscle and tough as nails.

Although, while I was taping a boy's wrist at Homestead High School today I did cause an examination of surprise. To tape a wrist, it is easiest for the athlete to spread their fingers out at wide as they can, and then press their fingers into your stomach to help hold it steady. I got the response (from a rather tall, heavy, teddy-bear/big spoon looking black kid), "Holy crap girl, you've got some abs in there!" He then told his buddy my abs were better than those of said buddy.
I think working at Homestead will be enjoyable. Not as much as I enjoyed working with soccer or track at Marquette, but I really like working with Molly (who also went to Marquette and is the head athletic trainer there) and I really enjoy the ability to educate the kids about how their body works.
There was a surprise soccer game today, as in Molly had been told earlier in the week it would be canceled and it was not, so she let me be Totally In Charge of the training room for about and hour and a half while she went out to the soccer field. It's really nice knowing that how I behaved for the previous hour led her to believe I was competent enough to prevent disaster. I ended up outside for the last 15 minutes of the game and to help clean up, and Molly let me drive Bert, which is one of those diesel-run golf carts with the bed on the back for putting things, such as water coolers, on and hauling them around. It was fun, he was all VROOMVROOMBRAPBRAPVROOM I HAVE NO MUFFLER VROOM.


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