Monday, March 28, 2011

bla bla bla blatty bla bla

In an effort to strive off what, in a tension headache induced panic, I thought was "Teh" Mono[nucliolus] I have spent quite the chunk of the past 36 hours asleep, which I mentioned in my last post. The current count is 12 of 36 hours which is... huh. Which is 1/3 of the time. Which is the amount of sleep I SHOULD BE GETTING, if you look at the 8:24 hour ratio of a normal day.
This goes to show that last week my body adjusted to only getting around 6, possibly 7, hours of extremely low quality sleep a night. Either I was waking up every 45 minutes for no reason, or having such jacked up dreams my REM sleep wasn't actually counting.
Well, either way, it is now currently one hour past the time that I am usually fast asleep, and I am WIDE FUCKING AWAKE. Awesome. It looks like I will be unnaturally tired when my alarm goes off in 7 hours, be fighting to stay awake in Physics class, and crashing for a power nap around 2pm; which will only lead to me not being able to fall asleep tomorrow night. And that Ladies and Gentlemen, is what is known as a Vicious Cycle.

To add to my annoyance of being awake, I am also hungry. However, if there is one thing that will satisfy my craving [of something of substance to fill in for the utter lack of boyfriend and snuggles because I am an emotional eater] it is toast. I fucking love me some mother fucking toast. I'm pretty sure it is a scientific FACT that I cannot live without it, or at least my life would be severely lacking.

Speaking of craving and food, there is a Jello Pudding Temptations in my fridge right now. Chocolate pudding with a chocolate truffle mousse topping. Yup. My original plan when I got two boxes last Saturday was that I would limit myself to the serving size of 1/2 cup of pudding a day. That way, between the two, I would have pudding for over 16 days. It is recommended that the pudding be spooned into individual serving glasses before being chilled in the fridge and served. Well, I don't have small 1/2 cup serving glasses. I have a 8x4x2 casserole dish. Good enough right? On the first batch I made, I even drew little lines in the topping before I put it in the fridge to thicken so I would know how big my serving was.
Instead, I would take the dish out of the fridge, look at a 1/2 cup serving size of pudding think to myself, "Well that's not worth getting a bowl dirty now is it?" and proceed to stand over the counter eating my pudding with a spoon.
Due to this particular tactic, the first box of pudding lasted me 3 days.

But I am ok with this really.
When I got back to school from Spring Break, I once again, went into Loosing Weight Mode! and decided, once again, that I would like to get back down to a weight/size/body composition that I would feel comfortable strutting around in a bikini with. That's the real motivation here, not some arbitrary number, but just feeling confident with myself.
So bam! Food Log! Exercise Log! Self Control Sort Of!
After one week I find myself lacking vegetables, but more concerning, calcium. I've upped my daily vitamin to 1/2 a pill every day. After one week I'm in a caloric deficit equivalent to exactly 1 pound of fat. I'm weighing myself and taking measurements of different body parts on Wednesdays, although I wish I could get to a scale first thing in the morning, rather than whenever I can get to the gym. But I'm also keeping track of workouts Nichole and I do, especially my Max lifts, which we will be doing twice more before summer. Currently I am at:
Bench - 120 (only down 5 lb from high school)
Back Squat - 170 (woo! best ever!)
Dead Lift - 225 (also woo!)
Push Ups - 25/min
Sit Ups - 47/min
Inverted Row - 13
Pull Up - 3
Plank - 2:13
I definitely need to work on push ups and pull ups.
But what makes me most... not concerned... is that when we did Fitness Testing and Measurement in lab last Monday, I am still sitting at 21.4% body fat. This is very low average for women of my age, who tend to sit at about 20-30%. We measured by a skin-fold test, which is not always perfectly accurate, but it is good enough for what I need.

And I'm sure all you are reading is Bla, bla, bla.

The moral of the story is I can't sleep and I needed something to do. So I talked about me. On my blog. Which is the goddamn point of this blog so stop giving me that look.

Best thing though: Massage-A-Thon goes for another two weeks. Remind me to go see my fellow DPT-5 students and get my freaking back worked on for half an hour.

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