Wednesday, March 23, 2011

4 years

Happy Anniversary to us.

I have one of those Fuck You headaches. You know, the ones where it feels like someone screamed "FUCK YOU!" right in your ear and then punched you in the back of the head.
Personally, I blame my sleeping habits of the last three days. I got so used to going to bed at 3am and waking up at 10am to work out, shower, then head to Drew's house and nap until he woke up that now by the time 5pm rolls around I am so exhausted I can't function. So I go flop onto my bed and lay there for a second before my skin seems to ask in a rather upset manor, "Umm... 'Scuse me, but WARE R MA SNUGGLES?!!?" (My internal monologue can't decide if it is from the inner city or is a butterfly with a speech impediment. For example, fo'sho' is a common phrase, but what is pronounced "wut".) And I am very put out for about a minute that there is no lanky, sleep-drunk, warm boy pulling me into his chest and burrowing his face into my neck.
Then I pass out and SLEEP SO HARD for about 45 minutes, wake up, desperately want to go back to sleep, but force myself to get up and continue whatever I was doing before the Tired Demon hit.

Then of course, 11:30pm (bedtime) rolls around and I can't sleep. I think to myself "Well, I don't have class until 9, so I'll just say up and read a bit more Gen. Med." (my internal monologue is also very logical). Then I get into bed around 12:15am. Then I toss and turn and can't get comfortable until 1:30am. Fall Asleep. Wake up at 2:30am to pee. Toss and turn and huff some more. Hear my alarm go off at 7:30am and wonder why in the hell I thought getting up half an hour early to make pancakes for breakfast would be a good idea.

Then it all starts over when I get tired at 3pm cause I didn't get any sleep the night before.

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