Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dear Neighbors,
Go pick up your goddamn packages so I can stop being reminded that I am not getting mail every time I walk into the building.

No love,

Seriously, no mail for me. Not even Netflix, because I am too busy to watch either Coraline or The Notebook. Not even that fake busy I try to pass off when I'm being lazy or don't feel like doing something. Legitimate busy, where the most time I've had for the past two weeks when I'm not actively doing something that needs to get done is maybe an hour or so. (This does count sleep, however, we all know how worthless I am when I get tired.)
Ten minutes from now, I would like to be napping, but instead I will be working the corner of 16th and Wells (alllriiiiggggghhhtttt....) passing out fliers for the fund raising event at Q'doba. 10% of what they make during dinner will be given to the ATSA, so cool for us. (Think Chipolte but better.)

I also re-remembered at some point today that I am a Big Deal, and what I am learning in school/what I know makes me Pretty Freaking Cool, and you better not fucking forget it. I've been walking around like a BAMF since, listening to Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones and thinking about playing Guitar Hero in Drew's room when we first started dating.

I wore a turtleneck today. For a while there I really liked them, but it would seem I am starting to fall back into the mindset that I lived in for the first 17 years of my life, which is I HATE TURTLENECKS. However, with today's weather it is dreadfully practical, and that little triangle of neck isn't going to get cold while I'm passing out fliers.

For about 2 days I thought Inside Michelle left again. She came back in full fit-throwing rage force yesterday though, and now all I want to do is motherfucking RAVE and DRINK and have the guys upstairs tell me I look fabulous.
I worry that if I don't let her out soon, even if it is just in the confines of my own apartment, I will lose it. Perhaps that is the cause of my headaches lately, my alter-ego pounding away at my skull trying to escape.
Who knows. Either way, I have to go convince people to buy burritos.