Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's trying to snow in Milwaukee. Except it is 34* F and therefore everything is melting.
Fucking everything is wet and sloppy and slushy and melty.

Which only adds to the awesome mood I've been in for the past few days.

Got my physics test back today. I got a 48%. Which, honestly, I kind of expected. But it is still frustrating. I read the chapter, go to lecture about the chapter, go to tutoring to talk about the lecture, read the chapter again, go to lab, do the homework, and yet I STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Not in a "this class is hard and I have to study a lot for it" kind of way, but in a "I don't even know what you are trying to say to me" kind of way. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. I've even tried talking to my professor, but he is just a huge asshole and just tells me "You just aren't putting enough effort in. You should understand this. It is simple."
How about fuck you Dr. Collins. How does that sound? Him just staring me like I'm going to pull an answer to the questions he's asking in lecture, WHEN I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HE IS ASKING, out of my ass isn't going to help me comprehend the material. It's only going to make me feel like an idiot and start crying when I leave his office.

Lucky for me the class is adjusted. It's not curved depending on how the class does as a whole, but the expectations are lowered. To get an A, you need a 87% instead of a 94%. So I'm still sitting at a C. Which, to keep me from being kicked out of PT school (or at least put on probation until I take the class again) is good enough.
The problem is, for me, good enough isn't actually good enough. I hate seeing C's on my report card/transcript/whatever you want to call it. I hate it. It makes me feel sick to my stomach and anxious.
When it comes to anatomy and physiology, I rock. I do. Last semester I got an A- in the Graduate Level Human Physiology class I took. Which is probably the hardest Anatomy/Physiology class offered at Marquette. AND I ROUND HOUSE KICKED IT IN THE FACE.
But physics?
Fuck physics.

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