Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So I have this... squash. I baked it today between classes, and (as a surprise to me!) it turned into a spaghetti like substance. Not what I was expecting, however, I am an adult now, I can cook things, I can adapt when things go awry.
Plus, I vaguely remember eating this kind of squash one time years ago. My brother wouldn't eat it.

I totally forgot what I was going to say...

Oh. Our last soccer game is this Saturday. Well, as far as the regular season goes, the NCAA tournament starts the beginning of November. I know that in the first round of the play-offs, the high seeded school gets to stay home, and the lower seed team has to travel. I know our boys did better this year than they have in the last like, 10 years. Usually they just lose, but this year we won some and tied a lot - I tend to count ties as wins, even though that's not how it works. But I don't know if they did well enough to grant them the home-field advantage for the first couple of games. If we don't play at home for the first round, Saturday will be my last game. I'll still go in and do rehab with them, but... I can't believe soccer is over already!!
I kind of wish I could have been at their game last Saturday. Not because it was a good game (we lost 6-2) but because they came back with lots of things for me to work with injury wise. It would have been nice to be there to see everything first hand and deal with it in the acute situation. Apparently, so many guys went down, we had to put our back-up Goalie in the mid-field somewhere.

It's a very rainy very blegh kind of day today.

The Health Sciences career fair is tonight. I'm still debating about going. Almost all the companies that will be there are based out of the greater-Chicago area, and I'm just not interested in working for any company based in the Mid-West. There are a few national companies there, but they are all general physical therapy, which translates into generally old people. I am even less interested in old people than I am with the mid-west.

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