Wednesday, October 27, 2010


:D :D :D :D

Also, I'm home for Thanksgiving in 28 days!
I had like a half-hour conversation with my dad last night and was in a good mood afterwords. I've always been closer/able to relate more to my dad than my mom, but THIRTY MINUTES is a long time to be talking in my family.

After talking with my Therapeutic Exercises professor today after class, I've learned that the reason my hips, ankles, and now wrists occasionally ache deep in the joint is due either to a mild form of rheumatoid arthritis or a sesitivity to barometric change in my synovial fluid (stuff that lubricates joints). Both are highly probable, as my grandmother had rheumatoid arthritis so bad all the bones in her wrists had fused together, and when the cold and warm fronts collided over the great lakes on Monday night (the weather here is fine, slightly windy) I was in so much pain I couldn't sleep.
So. The next time it happens I get to have blood work done to look at my white blood cell count and hopefully rule out arthritis. If it's here, I go to Student Health and see if it's covered under my free stuff for students. If it's at home (which I'm hoping it is, triggered by altitude or something) I'll just have my mom draw my blood in the kitchen and take it to work. She'll be so excited. She's wanted to draw someone's blood at home ever since they let her take a travel-kit home; it's in the bottom drawer with the phone books. I certainly trust my mom with drawing my blood more than anyone else.

And boo on physics.

1 comment:

  1. realize that if Lucy is early, you'll be in Hawaii while I'm pushing her out?? That seems hardly fair. ;) And if that DOES happen, I expect picture after picture to my cell phone of lovely beaches and Hawaiian things to keep me in my happy place. :)

    I hope you don't have arthritis.
