Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm not sure where or how my friend Nichole found a tiny purple potato, but she did. At it is delicious. Well... it might just taste like a normal potato, but after the first bag I bought went bad on me (damn hidden rotten potato) I've been slightly adverse to buying them. I've been potato-less for about a month and a half, till now.
Either way, yum.

I feel like screaming "I told you so!" at one of my friends. I knew the problem, but she didn't, but that's what happens if you sit in the back and don't pay attention in class. It's a slightly smug feeling, but that's ok. I can feel smug about my knowledge everyone once and a while.
I got a 94% on my Nutrition exam! Go me!
I forget that things I know and consider common knowledge aren't actually common knowledge. On last night I was at tutoring for Human Physiology. There's another girl (Mandy) in my group who is studying Exercise Science, so our classes are very simmilar; and then there was a girl who was a Psychology major, who for some reason has to take the class go get into Grad School. Mandy and I were discussing the pathway of sugar in the blood, how it is used for energy, how the sugar actually gets into a cell, how it's broken down and built back up, Glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, and Oxidative Phosphorilation via the Electron Transport Chain. All of those things have been in at least one of my classes every yearsince I was a FRESHMEN IN HIGH SCHOOL. But the Psych girl was just staring at us like we were speaking another language! It probably doesn't help that all my friends from high school were into biology as well, and those are the kinds of things we would talk about on the weekends. It was quite startling to realize that not everyone just KNOWS about that stuff.

Mara's coming over for dinner tonight after Nutrition. I'm making a sauted chicken and rice dish and she's bringing a bottle of white wine. We'll be fucking classy.
I'm very much looking forward to it though. We only have Nutrition together this year, and since I no longer have a meal plan we can't even get lunch or dinner together anymore. Plus, between Athletic Training and being an RA, she has ZERO free time. We haven't had a time to sit and talk all semester and I miss her.

My mom sent me a package last friday and it's still not here yet. Apparently, Monday was Columbus Day (no one tells me anything) so that gives some explanation for the long wait. But if it's not here by this afternoon, I'm going to start to expect foul play on behalf of my package. I really hope it comes today. There are cookies in it.
Speaking of cookies, I'm making some tomorrow for the guys on the soccer team for after their game on Saturday. I have a mix that will end up with THREE DOZEN COOKIES, which I definitely do not need sitting in my apartment, because I WILL eat them all at once. Who better to give cookies to than to a bunch of college soccer players who I already like anyway? I know they will be GONE in about 5 minutes if I set them out after the game.

I hate having to pay for laundry. I think over the last two years I've spent... let's see, $3.50 every two weeks for 32 weeks is $56, plus sheets and towels is $84 for two years is $168 plus this year which is $1.75 every week and a half for 8 weeks [I've been here for EIGHT WEEKS already!?] is $178. Round that up for anything I'm forgetting... Almost $200 on laundry.
That's half a month's rent and I still have 4 years to go.
But what's more ridiculous is that over the 6 years I'm spending here I'm going to end up paying about $35,000 in rent alone. And that's assuming I find a roommate next year and can cut my rent down. If I end up living in a studio by myself for the rest of the time that number jumps up to $41,000.
Fuck, that's a lot of money. And that's not even including tuition, which I don't want to think about but now my OCD brain is, ok here we go... $30,000 for four years of undergrad is $120,000 minus the scholarship I got is $80,000 plus $16,000 a semester for Graduate school at 5 semesters is another $80,000 so we're at $160,000 minus the $5,000 a year I get from my aunt so... $130,000 total.
I'm responsible for $35,000 of that, the rest my parents are paying out of pocket or we're getting student loans.
Fucking college. Why is it so expensive?!
(I could have gone to the U for free you know)

Sigh. This is why Doctors of Physical Therapy from Marquette make (on average) $62,500 their first year out of school and why we have a 100% job placement rate.
Good numbers in my opinion.

I'll stop babbling now.

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