Thursday, October 7, 2010

I know I'm peeing out the vast majority of my Daily Vitamin. I know this. The body can only obsorb, hold, and use so many vitamins and minerals at a time. But after doing tracking and analyzing my food intake for three days for a project in my Nutrition class, I've found my Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Iron, and Potassium are low. I know this is because I currently cannot afford to buy a variety of fruits and vegetables (bananas, apples, and green leaf lettuce are always the cheapest so that's all I get) and I can't afford to eat red meat for the iron.
I figured 6 deficiencies were enough warrant a daily vitamin, especially because I'm already eating healthy. If I ate like crap, I'd have no one to blame for lack of nutrients but myself, and would just change my diet. I think the most unhealthy thing I have in my apartment right now is a box of Macaroni and Cheese, and while that is pretty high in sodium and saturated fat, I only eat it about once a month. Currently, my fridge looks like this: Leftover taco meat, leftover pulled pork (yumyumyumyum), bread, eggs, margarine, carrots, salsa, milk, water, jam, lettuce, yogurt, random condiments. That is all very nutritious stuff.

So anyway...
I don't know if it's a placebo effect, or if getting enough Vitamin A-C-D-E and iron is starting to build it up in my system, but I've been feeling a bit better this week compared to others. I can accept that is due to getting [more than] enough iron, instead of 1/3 of what I should have been getting - Iron carries oxygen in the blood, and the more oxygen in the blood, the more is getting to muscles, and the more sustainable energy I can make.

I'll have to ask my mom to put my fish oil capsules in my next care package. I am low on Omega-3 and -6 as well.

Now I just need to work on not being hungry all the damn time and I'll be set!


  1. I am a full blown vitamin lover. I truly believe they help us get things we may be lacking in our diet AND the women ones always have extra iron (since, you know, we bleed) and extra B6 which helps our moods.

    Also, you should keep tuna on hand, if you like tuna. Good for so many easy recipes and just plain delicious-and it's tuna so super good for you. And CHEAP. Hmm....I may have to do a post about cheap eats. :)

  2. Oh man, I wish you lived near me so I could make you be my personal nutritionist and trainer. <3
