Thursday, September 3, 2009


An unfortunately far-way, blury, and small picture of O-Fest out on Central Mall.
O-Fest is four hour time period where all the clubs, student organizations, fraternieties/sororities, groups, etc. on campus set up a table, try to get people to join, and give away free stuff. The Central Mall is the lawn in the middle of the academic half of campus. It is bordered by the library to the North, the Business building to the East, Lalumeire Language Hall to the South, and the Chemistry building to the West.
I signed up for updates on Club Running and the Blood Drives, then walked around for half an hour picking up all the free stuff people had to entice students to their table. I came away with a new cup that says Peer Health Educators on it, a guide to all the things to do and places to go in Milwaukee, an MUTV pen, a gold gel pen, and some candy.

Then we went to see the kids in the Improv Comedy club perform for an hour at the Annex, it was pretty funny.

Oh! And the best part of today:

I officially have a job!! I work in the training room from 7-9 am on Tuesday mornings. By work, I mean make sure all the towels are washed, make sure there's tape on all the tables, make sure everything looks how it should be, and do homework. I can give out ice and band-aids if people need them. Those two hours are my only set time, but my supervisor (Head women's volleyball ATC) said there would be lots of stuff that comes up that she's going to need help with, so hopefully I can get more hours that way. Either way, it's better than nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Awesomely awesome! I adore free things whether I'll use them or not-they're free! And improv=hilarious.

    So exciting about the job! Go you!
