Sunday, September 20, 2009


It would seem that the rain Utah was getting over the past few days has made it to Milwaukee. Last week was around 80* and 70% (at least) humidity everyday, but this week greeted us with gray skies and wind in the morning, which lasted longer and longer into the day as the week went on. This leads to today's picture of a tree outside Schroeder Hall where I went to get dinner tonight. I meant to get a picture of the rain, but it was too dark and the drops too soft to get a good picture.

I went swimming with my roommate today, which was interesting, as I'm not really a fan of the water. However, I'm hoping to make it a more regular thing in the winter when it's too cold to run outside, as swimming is really very good for you. I just need to remember to get my goggles when I am home.

I also found some nice khaki's to wear in the training room this morning after I took the bus to Khols. Yay!

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