Friday, January 28, 2011

So if you attach a carrot with a potato pealer, you get very thin strips of carrot that can be used like lettuce in a BBQ chicken, rice, lentil, and salsa salad.

Yesterday, one of the soccer boys threw a roll of pre-wrap at me.
While he was riding the exercise bike.
While he was talking to another soccer player.
While I was explaining an exercise to someone.
While we were on opposite ends of the athletic training room.
While there were people walking in between us.
Down by my right knee.
Without looking.
I was pretty damn impressed with myself, let me tell you. One of the other soccer guys who say it was all, "Damn. That was pretty cool." So I told him not to swear in the training room, but thank you for the complement.

I'm going to IOWA today for a two-day track meet. Granted, the 5 hour bus ride there, and back, is going to suck, but when I tell a future employer that I have traveled with the Track Team, and not only that, but OVERNIGHT and as an UNDERGRAD, he or she will be impressed.
Plus, I like watching track, and unless someone falls off the pole vault, I don't to worry too much about any traumatic injuries. The most the track people ever ask for is for a band-aid or to roll out their calves (see: pain and torture) after they run. Easy. As. Pie.

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