Sunday, January 30, 2011

bla bla bla blatty bla bla

Iowa was so much fun!
Ok, well, the track meet itself was fun. Even just being at a meet again brought back so many good memories from high school... and made me really miss it. As I am not board certified yet, I am only considered an Athletic Training Student in the presence of a certified AT, so Dave Leigh, who is also one of my professors, traveled with us. He's basically the most awesome person in the world, and told me at the start of the meet that he was just there to supervise and that he really wanted Alicia and I to run the show. So I took charge and tracked down the head AT of Iowa and got our barrings with her, I was telling our team where to go and where we would be if they needed us, I was taping ankles and giving out ice and doing evals, I was sprinting across the field house to get to the girl who pulled her hamstrings in the 400 meter dash and catching one of our girls as she passed out after her leg of a relay.
Granted, one ankle, one hamstring, one shin, one fainter, and about 50 billion bags of ice was ALL that I did during the 9 hour meet, but I still feel pretty good about my abilities as a future athletic trainer right now. Alicia seemed so hesatant to do anything without glancing at Dave first, and he mentioned to me how he was impressed with how professionally and calmly I handled everything - example of:

Girl walks up to where we are sitting looking... well... I just know that "I'm about to ask for something" look.
Me: "What can I get'cha?"
Her: "I think I'm going to pass out."
Alicia: *freezes*
Me: *Jumps up and gets behind her, hooking my elbows under her armpits*
Dave: "Ok, just go ahead and sit down and put your head between your knees."
Her: "okay..." *eyes rolling in and out of focus*
Me: "Hey, I got you. We're just going to sit down nice and slow ok. Go ahead and lean back on me ok?"
Her: *leans as I slide her down onto the ground*
Her: *is very pale*
Me: "Alicia, slide over our ice cooler and help me put her legs up on it."
Her: *is back* "Oh man this is embarassing."
Me: "Nope, you are totally fine, I'm going to put this bag of ice under your back and one on your forehead ok? Then we're just going to sit here as long as you need ok?" *I ask her about fluids, which are fine, if she is diabetic, she's not, and food. She hasn't eaten since breakfast at 8:30am, it is now 4:00pm and she just ran a 0:58 400meter dash, which is hella' fast*
Me: "Here's an orange. I want you to eat this ok."
Her: *eats orange. Feels better. Sits up. Eats a cookie. Feels much better.*
Dave: "Michelle, I'm impressed, you handled that very well."

Bam! Roasted!

Then I got back to Marquette at about 12:30am, and after not being able to sleep at all (but watching Easy A) on the bus. I got back to my apartment thinking I needed to do laundry after soccer (a mere 8 hours away) to find the note "Laundry room Closed" on the laundry room door. Awesome. I am wearing my LAST pair of clean underwear. I check to see if I can get into the laundry room, which I can, but there are currently no washers in it. Fuck. Off.
So I had to pack up two weeks worth of laundry and haul it to a friend's house.

Now I'm back in my room wondering if 8:40pm is too early to turn in for the night.

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