Monday, January 24, 2011


You know, as far as Mondays go... Well, today was pretty ok.
First I woke up from a really odd dream involving my great grandma's house and my calves/arches DID NOT feel like they were going to rip when I stood up. Usually they do, because I usually forget to stretch them out before I get out of bed.
Had toast for breakfast. Mmmmm toast. I ran out of butter about a week before the semester ended last year, and didn't buy more until yesterday, I missed toast.
Realized I would not need coffee to get me through physics lecture. I like to think that means I'm adjusting to getting up everyday at 7am rather than noon.
Did well on my Physics quiz.
Got out of my Exercise Prescription/EKG lab early so I was able to go back to my place and put some chicken in my crock pot. I love my crock pot by the way. All you do is throw everything in there at once, set it on low, and then leave it there for 8 hours while you do other things.
Made myself some salt and vinegar flavored sauted vegetables for lunch. They almost tasted like the potato chips, except healthier and not like potatoes.
Went to the training room and had all my soccer guys say they missed me over break and are sad I'm not working with them anymore because their new group of students doesn't know how to do anything. It made me feel pretty loved.
Went to medical Ethics and OH MY GOD MY TEACHER HAS A MOHAWK. He's 30 and working on his PhD or something, swears a lot, and waves his arms around when he talks. He kind of reminds me of my cousin Nathan and Matt Mabey. I think this class is going to be awesome!
Got home and checked on my chicken and Mmmmm! it smells so good! I pulled it out of the crock pot to shred and it was just FALLING APART on the fork before I could even get it to the plate!
Currently eating my chicken. I used the pulled pork sauce recipe from Jill and it's pretty freaking good. Not as good as the pork, but chicken was cheaper than pork yesterday.
Now, I'm going to nap for an hour or so then go to the gym, get a great work out in, and get totally ripped.

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