Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This is what I made myself for breakfast today. It was in an effort to use up the potatoes I have before they go bad and prove to myself that I'm not hungover.
Wait... hungover? That's right!

Today is my good friend Nichole's 21st birthday, so last night was the party at her house (for those of us who are not 21 yet) before she went out to the bar on campus. So I was there, obviously, and Nichole told me that for her birthday, she would like to see what I was like drunk.

And I thought the same thing.
And I thought about how I have class at 8am on Wednesday.
And I thought about how I like to follow the rules, and the rules are no drinking till you are 21.
And I thought about how Drew is uncomfortable with the idea of me drinking if he's not around to take care of me.
And I thought about talking to Drew about things I NEED to do while I'm in college, things I need to do now while I still can.
And I thought about my List of Things to do in College.
And I thought about how there is a time and place for everything, and it IS called college.
And I thought about how tired I am of being "the responsible one" ALL THE TIME.

And so I looked at Nicole and said, "I need a drink."

I learned how to take a shot, and we all learned that when you make jello shots, make sure the containers you put them in are not hard plastic. Hard plastic shot glasses are hard to get jello out of, and they break easily.
I met her roommate who goes to UWM, and I met all the boys her roommate brought to the party. I liked them, they kind of reminded me of my brother, Marl, Drew, Jonah, and Flight of the Concords all mixed together - but louder. One of them made me a delicious drink of Orange Juice and vodka, and another one of them did card magic tricks in the kitchen.

But the best part was that I knew four out of fifteen people there, and I didn't freak out. I didn't try to hid in Nichole's room the whole time, or sit in the corner and stare. I talked in weird accents with boys I didn't know, and then discussed our plans for the Zombie Apocalypse. I enjoyed myself. It was great!
It made Nichole happy that I was a smiley drunk, and that was the point of the whole thing, so that was good.

In retrospect, I probably should have drank slower, or not as much, or at least waited until I felt the first tequila shot (gotta toast the birthday girl at the beginning of the party!) before reaching for a jello shot, and then eating another when told "Drink!" by one of the UWM boys. (which was a game. You were handed a jello shot and told to get it all out of the plastic container without using your fingers or breaking it. Ready? Drink!)
David and I left the party around 11:30 and sat at my place waiting for him to be able to drive home and waiting for me to not be drunk enough to go to sleep and wake up with a hang over. I drank a Nalgene and a half of water, and we talked about how hot he thought Nichole looked in the dress she was wearing for the party. Then I crossed the line between tipsy and drunk, which was fine, cause I could still walk just fine, I was just really tired. He made me stay awake and keep drinking water and brush my teeth.
I don't care what Drew thinks. I'm glad David's here. We're friends.
I'd be happy for him if he was stuck in some other state but had Rachel to be friends with.

Then I finally got to go to sleep around 1 and it was the most glorious sleep ever. My head hit the pillow and I thought about how comfy my bed is, snuggled my face against my blanket and was OUT until my alarm went off this morning. That's the first time I've been able to sleep thought the whole night since getting here in August. I'm half tempted to do it again just so I'm not so fucking tired all the time (not really though).
This morning I was fine, other than the worst case cotton mouth I've ever had.

Oh, and there was cake! That was even better than the alcohol. It was chocolate and had cream-cheese based frosting, which is so much better than sugar-based frosting.
I like cake.
There was also limes. Which I did not eat with the cake, but I put like four wedges in my Corona then impressed everyone there when I got them back out afterwords so I could eat them. I do not waste limes.

Also, yay for not having to drive home. I'm glad I didn't have to worry about that, cause if I did, there would have been no booze consumed and I would have felt like a lame-ass like I always do at Drew's parties.


  1. Good for you, Michelle! I'm so proud. That sounds exactly like a typical college party, and you totally took advantage of every part of it. That's great. And I'm especially impressed that it was on a Tuesday night.
    I was going to say that even I'm not that bold, but then I remembered that I spent my Monday evening playing Beerio Kart (Mario Kart except you must finish your beer by the end of the game but can't drink while you're steering). But fyi, for your birthday, it is going to be that party times...about 60. Gazillion. :D

  2. check out this website they have different kinds of jello shots

