Monday, November 29, 2010

I like that I save $0.15 every time I go shopping JUST BECAUSE I have reusable bags.
Today was the first time I've done a full-on grocery shop (milk, fruit, eggs, bread, salsa, vegetables, rice, beans, tea) by myself; usually David and I go on Saturdays. Taking the bus with three full, heavy bags of groceries was not the funnest things I've ever done, but I'm glad to know that I CAN do it, if need be. Plus, it was worth like, 45 adult points.

Adult Points.
Over the past two and a half years I've been awarding myself them for certain things I do that would qualify me as an adult: doing my own laundry, living away from home, setting up my own doctor appointments, paying rent, cooking, figuring out how to get that stain out of my shirt, things of that nature. Yesterday I gave myself like 300 or so points when we were delayed so long in Salt Lake I missed my connecting flight in Minneapolis, and I DID NOT FREAK OUT, I just figured out who to talk to and how to get on the next flight.

I think the idea came from a point system we developed when my sister was very small. We were on a long car ride (for a two year old anyway) and my mom offered me 20 points to entertain her. Hurray points! Everyone wants points right? So my brother and I started giving my sister 5 points for not being annoying or giving points to each other for doing a favor. Eventually, we asked my mom what we were supposed to actually do with these points she arbitrarily started giving out one day. Her response? "I dunno. Trade them for new underwear and socks."
If there is one thing we love in my family, it's new fucking socks.
Thus the birth of points.
Random, I know.

Usually, I am adiment that there are NO CHRISTMAS SONGS until after Thanksgiving. However, I have decided that I must to dance to Stille Nacht with Drew at our wedding. Not the first song we dance to, that will be If I Ever Leave This World Alive, just after I finish dancing with my dad to Rod Stewart's Forever Young. I want this song to play towards the end of the night, when just about everyone has gone home except for our very best of friends.
And I don't care when we get married, whether it is May or December or October. I will make an exception for this song.
And that means a lot.

I want to make pulled pork again. It makes my house smell SO GOOD.

It's not Milwaukee I dread coming back to anymore. I just dread leaving Drew, who comes with an overwhelming feeling of rightness when I'm laying in his arms.
Being away from him is my regular life, my normal life. Which I can do, obviously, I've been doing it for the past three years. I know I can handle being away from him for the next four, probably five years (I've decided to do a residency after I graduate to specialize in orthopedics or sport rehab). I just don't like it.


  1. I will forever be in awe of your dancing skills if you manage to dance to If I Ever Leave This World Alive in an organized, graceful manner. I cannot fathom how anyone could do that. If you're going to learn an Irish jig, though, kudos. I would be impressed. But I suppose it would be in keeping with you and Drew's sickening cuteness if you just twirled with no regard to the beat of the music. Lost in each other's eyes or something just that sappy. :)

  2. And what is that red thing in the corner there? It looks like some very classy piece of furniture.
