Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I made fajitas for dinner.
They were good.

I am content right now.
With everything.

Yesterday while I was realizing that I don't actually HAVE to put time and energy into finding things to be miserable about in Milwaukee I realized that it's pointless to be miserable about things at all. Sure, I can be sad sometimes, and that is ok. But there is no need to go out of my way to find things that makes me sad.
The moment I thought this, the part of me that is still 15 years old and angry and emo and angsty and a shithead; the part of me that I have been so desperately clinging onto for the past 5 years just... fell away.
There have been times since I got to college were I've looked in the mirror and been surprised at the adult looking back at me, but over the course of the week I've changed. I now look in the mirror and see a confident, intelligent, competent, young woman who is capable of living on her own. I know I'm not a full or real adult yet, nor will I consider myself one until I have graduated college, I have a career, and my parents are no longer paying my rent; but at the same time that no longer seems like a great huge long ways away. It seems like something that will be attained in the next few years and THAT DOES NOT SCARE ME ANY MORE.

I think everyone is going to like the new me.
She is so happy.


  1. Reading this post made me really proud of you <3


    Like really, I got teary eyed. Granted, that could be the pregnancy hormones, but still. YAY MICHELLE!
