Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post 300

I like the short one in back.

Last night I went to the gym, as usual. I put my class ring and diamond ring in the locker with my keys and coat, like always. When I was done working out, my rings were gone. I thought to myself, "Maybe you took them off and left them on the bathroom counter," which is what I do when I remember to take them off before I leave. So I went home and tore apart my place, but obviously my rings were not there. I went back to the gym, asked the desk about Lost-and-Found, and was presented with my class ring. Ok. So now at least I know where my other ring SHOULD BE. They told to check back in the morning to see if my other ring turns up.
Sure the beautiful ring Drew gave me was gone forever I pouted at the library for two hours while pretending to study physics and drink tea. I went home, had a melt down over how stupid I was to lose that ring and then have someone steal it.

I went back to the rec this morning AND THEY HAD MY RING!

My faith in the human race has been restored slightly.

Now I can't decide if I'm never going to take my rings off again, or if I'm going to put them in a drawer in my bathroom where I keep the change I find and never wear them again.

1 comment:

  1. I say just always, when you do take them off, put them in the same place in your apartment. They even make ring holders.
