Sunday, November 21, 2010

My religion paper just needs to write itself.

One of my soccer boys let me borrow a series he has from the Discovery Channel that is all about how the human body works when pushed to the extreme. There was an episode about strength, sensation (mostly that of pain), and brain power. So far I've liked brain power the most, it talked mostly about the survival instinct we have, the brain's WANT center (as in, "I want to live"), how the brain will release hormones that eat the heart to keep itself going, and sleep.
The general science behind it was pretty obvious to me, but I did learn a bunch of Fun Facts!

For example:
*In non-life threatening situations, your muscles will contract with about 1/3 the force they are actually capable of producing, even if you feel you are working at the maximum. This is because a muscle contracting at 100% of it's capability will shread itself and cause an avlusion fracture - which is when a muscle pulls so hard the bit of bone it is embedded into is pulled off the main bone.
*It takes over 200 muscles to walk, and it is one of the most complex motions the human body is capable of.
*There is over 54,000 MILES of blood vessels in your brain.
*Pain is not produced by an injury, all sensations of pain are produced in the brain, due to how the brain processes an injury. In life-threatening instances, the brain can completely shut down all sensation of pain if it thinks that consciously being aware of the pain will reduce your chance of survival.
*The brain has an input of about 100 TRILLION thoughts/signals per second. It is only while sleeping and there is no longer this constant input that your actually process it, which is one theory behind dreams.

I could go on...

And because I didn't buy groceries for the two days I will be here next week, my grocery bill was $0.06 this week. I has a coupon for a dollar off dish soap, which was already on sale for a dollar. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Those shows sound awesome. Oh man, yay for biology nerdiness. :)
