Tuesday, November 23, 2010

wanna go home...

I'm thinking that next Sunday is going to be a major grocery shopping day. Or I could continue to live off cans of green beans, soup, and pancakes; one of the two.

Nutrition is standing in the way of me going home tonight, I get the feeling I will be pouting the whole time and not paying any attention. Who holds class from 5-7pm anyway?
Marquette, apparently.

In 24 hours I will [hopefully] be on a plane, or at least in line to board the plane. Assuming the doom weather everyone is talking about doesn't get in the way. Right now there are blue skies and little wind, it better stay that way until tomorrow morning.
My biggest fear about flying to and from school is that I will get stuck in Minneapolis. At least if I get stuck in Milwaukee I have a place to go back to now. More than one place actually. Probably at least four.

I should be studying for Human Physiology.

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