Thursday, March 4, 2010


While the idea of living on my own worries me most of the time, I am beyond excited that I will have my own kitchen, and will no longer be at the mercy of dorm food. I've turned into a vegetarian for the time being, because when I look at the meat here I just think "Hmm, yeah, that's still pink. It's not supposed to be pink," so I get a salad instead. Which, really, is probably good for me, but having peanut butter and garbanzo beans as the only source of protein in my diet is getting old. And we've already been over how much I like peanut butter.

I seem to be getting a cold. No, that a lie. I actively HAVE a cold. Just a small one though, where my throat is kinda irritated and there is slight, but constant, pressure just under my external occipital protuberance. (the back of my head where it meets my neck)
I eat probably 3 oranges a day. I don't know how I let this happen. (Yes I do - not sleeping well) But I hope it goes away soon.

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