Sunday, March 28, 2010

fuck you knee.

I've mentioned before that my left knee has been bothering me.
I've iced, rested, taped, and strengthened.
Yet I can still feel my kneecap GRATING against my femur with every step.
It is, very, very, painful.
The plan is to ask Dave to look at it.
He's one of my professors, and was the head Athletic Trainer at Marquette for years before moving to teaching.
He knows everything there is to know about everything.
This may or may not lead to an appointment with Dr. Grove, who is one of the Marquette orthopedic physicians.
This may or may not lead to an MRI.
Which may or may not lead to surgery to remove a plica, which is an extra bit of tissue in the knee that didn't smooth out properly in the womb.
About 60% of the population has them, so it's nothing special.
All things considering though, I would really rather not get an MRI in Milwaukee.
I want my mommy.

I'm terrified my knee will become arthritic due to this.
I'm more terrified I might not be able to run every again.

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