Thursday, March 11, 2010

I didn't get around to taking a picture yesterday. I was busy and kept forgetting to bring my camera out with me, which is too bad, because there was intese fog last night. I was slightly conserned about zombies coming out of the mist and attacking me while I was walking back from studying at the Union, especailly cause all I had to defend myself was a pen and a notebook.

I don't know if I will get a picture up today either. I have a two hour lab, a test, and practice to do; I need to get my resume looked over at Career Services because I GOT A CALL BACK FINALLY AND HAVE AN INTERVIEW NEXT WEEK!! and I need to track down my professor so I can talk to her about my test; I need to work out, shower, do laundry, and pack.

BUT! They just started playing Sweet Caroline in the Brew in the union, which was one of my favorite songs as a kid, because my dad would always put the Moody Blues CD in when he was doing taxes and I would dance around the living room. It instantly clamed me down.

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