Monday, March 1, 2010


As much fun as flower shaped ice-cubes are, they are kind of difficult to get out of the mold. It's made of rubber, not hard plastic, so it just bends when you try to pop them out.

I am a general worrier, and I like lists. SO! Here is a list of all the things that are worrying me about having an apartment off campus next year:
*finding cheap furniture (futon, dresser, table)
*getting to the grocery store
*being lonely
*being bored
*cooking utensils
*affording rent if I can't find a job this summer
*finding something to use as a pantery
*the price of things, in general
*where I will put all of these things in the summer while I am back in Utah
*walking to class when it's cold
*being completely independent
*having enough outlets
*whether or not I REALLY need a blender, mixer, mini-grill
*what the hell I'm doing having my own apartment!

I am Michelle, and I am a general worrier.
I am not however, worried about getting a Britta, because I KNOW I need one of those.

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