Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Break!

It was absolutely beautiful today.

I swam a mile at the pool.

I just watched The Office: Delivery episode. Make of that what you will.

I'm bored.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


These are the Creepy Back Stairs in my dorm. I hate using them. They are creepy.
Mostly because of the cage. It's to keep people from throwing themselves/falling down the middle of the stairwell and dying. I know this, because it is talked about a lot in The Time Traveler's Wife (novel).

I went to see Dr. Grove today, who I really like. He's one of the orthopedic physicians for Marquette's Teams (I've taken notes for him lots of times during evaluations in the training room - so I know him fairly well) and he looked at my knee. It was very nice to be able to talk to someone using terms like lateral patella, tibial tuberosity, vastus medialus oblique, iliotibial band, condromalacia, and joint line and have him completely understand what I am talking about. The diagnosis was my patella (kneecap) is indeed not tracking properly, but not as bad as I originally thought, and not because of weakness in my quad muscle. It is actually due to complete weakness in the Gluteus Minimus, which is a muscle on the outside of your HIP (pelvis). Oh kinetic chain, how I love thee.
But! This is good news. Muscle weakness is easy to fix. I was worried that there would be something wrong with me structurally, which you can't fix without surgery. So Dr. Grove gave me some exercises to do, for my hips as well as my core, because everyone needs a stronger core. I'm not to run for three weeks. THREE WEEKS! (I will surely go mad by then). But the way he put it: "I don't say 'don't run' lightly, especially when I know how much you enjoy it," somehow calmed me down a little bit. And he's confident that even with the break the Provo Half Marathon shouldn't be a problem come August.

However. If the pain doesn't go away, or at least start to get better, after three weeks of strengthening and not running, the next step is an MRI.
I very much do not want to get an MRI. Especially here where my parents are not around to deal with insurance/billing. I certainly cannot afford a $1500 MRI if insurance decides not to pay for some reason and I would have no idea how to handle that. I guess I should know, for future reference, but as How I Met Your Mother has taught me: Let future Michelle deal with it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Chicken Soup

I should learn how to make this. Like, from scratch, not from a can. Even *I* can put a can of soup on the stove.

I definitely sat and watched Julie and Julia last night instead of studying for my Medical Terms quiz tomorrow (I'm feeling confident about this one though, most of the words I have come across before, and I'm able to make connections)
However, now all I can think about is how excited I am to be living in a real apartment next year, and how exited I am to start REALLY cooking. Like, REAL MEALS, with REAL FOOD. And all I can think about is how excited I am to make these real meals for Droo when we eventually get to live together.

I should work out tonight.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

fuck you knee.

I've mentioned before that my left knee has been bothering me.
I've iced, rested, taped, and strengthened.
Yet I can still feel my kneecap GRATING against my femur with every step.
It is, very, very, painful.
The plan is to ask Dave to look at it.
He's one of my professors, and was the head Athletic Trainer at Marquette for years before moving to teaching.
He knows everything there is to know about everything.
This may or may not lead to an appointment with Dr. Grove, who is one of the Marquette orthopedic physicians.
This may or may not lead to an MRI.
Which may or may not lead to surgery to remove a plica, which is an extra bit of tissue in the knee that didn't smooth out properly in the womb.
About 60% of the population has them, so it's nothing special.
All things considering though, I would really rather not get an MRI in Milwaukee.
I want my mommy.

I'm terrified my knee will become arthritic due to this.
I'm more terrified I might not be able to run every again.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cake or Death. Uhhhhh.. cake please.

"To keep flowers fresh, clean the vase with a bleach solution." -Martha Stewart.

Martha, where am how am I, a poor college student, supposed to get a bleach solution? Cause I'm pretty sure those are not sold at the hall store.

Food has never, never been an issue in my family. There was always fruit and vegetables at dinner, but we generally ate whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. My parents never made a big deal over weight or dieting. Christmas was a time we got together and everyone looked forward to my grandma Schaaf's seafood soup and my aunt Cathy's stuffed mushrooms. If something was wrong, food was the answer. Not feeling well? Let me make you some soup. You did well at your track meet? I'll make brownies! It's Wednesday? Let's make lemon squares.
It's given me a general habit of emotional eating and eating due to bordom, rather than hunger. At this point, I'm feeling down about being in Milwaukee, so I have a cookie with dinner, but I gave up dessert for Lent, so I feel bad about the cookie, so I feel worse, so I have a Dove Chocolate when I get back to my room, it doesn't help. This is what people tend to refer to as a FUCKING VICIOUS CYCLE.
It's even harder when you try to explain this to your 6'6'' boyfriend who naturally sits at 10 pounds less than you, who's family has very different ideas about food than yours, who is used to family members with eating disorders, who can't gain weight to save his life, and just DOESN'T UNDERSTAND.
The mentality I've come to develop about my own body image and standards of health is not a pretty one.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The past two days of cold were not acceptable. I'm looking forward to being warm again, and not having to wear layers like an ogre. Or cake.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today was my first day of men's soccer practice, and I get the feeling I'm REALLY going to enjoy it while I work with them for the rest of the semester and next year. I think I probably did more actual treatments in the four hours that I was there today, than I did for the 7 months I was with Women's basketball.
The Valley Field House (where the track and soccer fields are) is slightly off campus, and is in a low spot compared to the rest of campus (hence, why we call it The Valley). It is a very nice complex, with terf instead of grass, and a very nice track. However, because of how the city of Milwaukee is set up, it gets very very windy here, and because of where the valley is, there is constant blow-a-small-child-away force winds, which drop the temperature between 15 and 20 degrees. I was fine all of today walking to class in a sweatshirt. At practice I was wearing my sweatshirt, "cold gear," which is a winter coat with MU SPORTS MEDICINE on it, and Katie's gloves. I was freezing unless we were standing right next to the building cause it was blocking the wind. It was exhausting too. It's only 8:12pm and I'm ready to crawl into bed and go to sleep!
But I'm still REALLY REALLY EXCITED for soccer!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


To me, these are very normal things to find in a classroom.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3 years

I hold these cookies in very high esteem. Over three years ago, I bought some after I got off work, Drew mentioned he liked them also, so I planned on giving him a package, but I forgot. So I went back to Smiths at like 11 o'clock at night with a package and the words "From: Me To:You" on it. IT'S CAUSE I THOUGHT HE WAS CUTE!
A while later, after I had quit Smiths and was working at Alta Canyon, we went on our first date. Five days later, Drew came to see me at work, bringing with him a rose and a box of Koala's March cookies.
The exchange remained common as we started dating until they were pulled off the shelves in September of 2008 due to the fear of being contaminated with Melamine. Thank you China, for screwing up and taking away our cookies. You get the Juan Diego Giant Cardboard Square Frowny Face Of The Day.

This is the second anniversary we have not been able to spend together. Three more apart to go, one together during my final internship at home, and then we will be celebrating our anniversary on a new date. :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

My fruit bowl is a crazy person! o.O

On the left, you see an orange i have smuggled from the dinning hall. I knew they were smaller than the average bear, but now that I have a slightly-large-but-still-very-normal-sized orange (thank you Nichole) I am aware just how jipped we are by Marquette Dining Services. Perhaps they do not realize that I would not take four oranges at once if they were a decent size; or perhaps they are just cheap. I'm leaning towards the latter, personally.

I got my schedule for next year all worked out today. I need to move religion to a different time than I had originally planned, but finding a religion class shouldn't be that hard. I do go to a Jesuit school.
Next semester I'm taking a lovely 18 credits, but that makes it so I am only taking 15 credits fall semester senior year instead of 19. I'm sure I could handle 19 credits, but we also are assigned to a high school football team senior year and EVERYONE says you should move a class if you can. So. I. Did.

Annnnndddddd... that's all.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's an old picture, but it sums up what I enjoyed most about spring break. Snuggled up with my moose in bed; especially in MY bed, because it is much more comfortable than his.
Leaving this time was harder than usual. Try as I might I couldn't hold back the tears last night, and the moment I landed today I wanted to go home. Usually that doesn't set it for at least a few days. It is going to be a very long 8 weeks.
One of these days I will wake up next to him, and I wont have to go home, because I WILL be home.

I find traveling EXHAUSTING. I can't figure out why either, because all I do all day is sit there and nod off while trying to forget that flying makes me sick. I need to shower and GO TO BED.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Look what I found at the library!

It's really weird looking at the post I did this morning and not seeing a picture with it.

Of course all the washers are in use at the time I scheduled to do laundry. I had so much to do today that I had everything scheduled to the MINUTE! and yet, nothing, nothing, nothing, worked out the way I had planned.
I didn't get around to taking a picture yesterday. I was busy and kept forgetting to bring my camera out with me, which is too bad, because there was intese fog last night. I was slightly conserned about zombies coming out of the mist and attacking me while I was walking back from studying at the Union, especailly cause all I had to defend myself was a pen and a notebook.

I don't know if I will get a picture up today either. I have a two hour lab, a test, and practice to do; I need to get my resume looked over at Career Services because I GOT A CALL BACK FINALLY AND HAVE AN INTERVIEW NEXT WEEK!! and I need to track down my professor so I can talk to her about my test; I need to work out, shower, do laundry, and pack.

BUT! They just started playing Sweet Caroline in the Brew in the union, which was one of my favorite songs as a kid, because my dad would always put the Moody Blues CD in when he was doing taxes and I would dance around the living room. It instantly clamed me down.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It was SO NICE and SO SUNNY and SO WARM the past two days. Then it had to get cloudy and windy again. Of course. Why did I expect anything else?

People are being infuriatingly irritating today, or perhaps I'm just letting myself be annoyed more easily than usual. Dear me, remember giving up shit that doesn't matter? Try harder.

I need a nap. Which is fine, because I actually have time for one today. :D

Monday, March 8, 2010

This is one of the very few places at school where I feel like I am actually on a college campus, rather than in downtown Milwaukee.

So far, midterms are making me want to drop all my classes and start over next year. (Not even next semester, because the two classes that kicked my ass are only offered in the Spring.) My Therapeutic Modalities exam was online, and therefore I can't see which answers I got wrong, only my grade. I really want to see what answers I got wrong, because since the exam was online, it was open book and open note. I answered the questions exactly from the book/our notes, so how did I only get a 41.5/62?!?! I've already emailed my professor for a copy of my test though, which I had at least 10 questions about (which I wasn't able to ask and therefore do not think the test was fair). I may ask her if I can retake it in her office at some point before Thursday, at least then she'll be able to explain what she means in each question.


And I was in such a good mood all of today too. It was so warm.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Midterms, midterms, midterms, midterms, midterms.
Study, study, study, stud, study, study, study.
Pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass, pass.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010


I hate the geese. They hiss.

This is my 150th post.

Couple Thingy I Stole From Jilll :)
♥ What are your middle names
Emily and Oren

♥ How long have you been together?
3 years on the 23rd

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met when I started working at Smiths the June before (2006).

♥ Who asked who out?
I accidentally mentioned I liked him and not Bryan Bartel, and he was like, "oh well, I like you too." I had mentioned before we should hang out, but I believe he picked the actual day. However, I was the one to say, "I'll make you a deal. If you be my boyfriend, I'll be your girlfriend."

♥ How old are each of you?
22 and 19

♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?

♥ Do you have any children together?
Not now! But perhaps someday.

♥ What about pets?
We're going to get a basset hound when we move in together, and a great dane sometime way down the road.

♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
I am 1500 miles away for 9 months of the year. When I graduate, it will be just after our 7 year anniversary; 3 of those years will have been actually together, and 4 apart. Waiting is very hard.

♥ Did you go to the same school?
Hillcrest and Juan Diego Catholic

♥ Are you from the same home town?
I was born in SLC, he was born in Aurora, CO.

♥ Who is the smartest?
I am better at Math and Science, he's better at History.

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
I'd say we can be equally sensitive

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We go to Benihana a lot... and Taco Bell.

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple

♥ Who has the craziest exes?
I would say we are equally matched on the crazy.

♥ Who has the worst temper?

♥ Who does the cooking?

♥ Who is more social?

♥Who is the neat Freak?
Totally me

♥ Who is the most stubborn?
I let him win cause I love him.

♥ Who hogs the bed?
Apparently I nudge into the middle while I'm asleep, but he's a curl-up-in-a-ball kind of guy, so I don't see why it matters.

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Me, unless he has to work at 7am.

♥ Where was your first date?
San-Pan and Cosmic Bowling.

♥ Who has the bigger family?

♥ Do you get flowers often?
No, but it is always very special when I do. (See "distance" above."

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
Christmas Eve is at my Grandparent's house, and Christmas Day is with his family.

♥ Who is more jealous?
Totally me

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
We had our own personal milestones at 3 months, 10 months, 1 year and 3 months, and around 2 years.

♥ Who eats more?
Probably me

♥ Who does/ did the laundry?
I will

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
I'm on it more

♥ Who drives when you are together?

Thursday, March 4, 2010


While the idea of living on my own worries me most of the time, I am beyond excited that I will have my own kitchen, and will no longer be at the mercy of dorm food. I've turned into a vegetarian for the time being, because when I look at the meat here I just think "Hmm, yeah, that's still pink. It's not supposed to be pink," so I get a salad instead. Which, really, is probably good for me, but having peanut butter and garbanzo beans as the only source of protein in my diet is getting old. And we've already been over how much I like peanut butter.

I seem to be getting a cold. No, that a lie. I actively HAVE a cold. Just a small one though, where my throat is kinda irritated and there is slight, but constant, pressure just under my external occipital protuberance. (the back of my head where it meets my neck)
I eat probably 3 oranges a day. I don't know how I let this happen. (Yes I do - not sleeping well) But I hope it goes away soon.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I like peanut butter.
On sandwiches.
On apples.
On bananas.
On celery.
On carrots.
On cookies.
On just about anything really.
I'll even just sit and eat it with a spoon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Help!! I'm covered in beeeees!!

The bush at the bottom is always full of chirpy birds.

It was sunny today. To the point where I could JUST BARELY feel the rays of warmth on my face if I wasn't in the sun and it wasn't windy.

Monday, March 1, 2010


As much fun as flower shaped ice-cubes are, they are kind of difficult to get out of the mold. It's made of rubber, not hard plastic, so it just bends when you try to pop them out.

I am a general worrier, and I like lists. SO! Here is a list of all the things that are worrying me about having an apartment off campus next year:
*finding cheap furniture (futon, dresser, table)
*getting to the grocery store
*being lonely
*being bored
*cooking utensils
*affording rent if I can't find a job this summer
*finding something to use as a pantery
*the price of things, in general
*where I will put all of these things in the summer while I am back in Utah
*walking to class when it's cold
*being completely independent
*having enough outlets
*whether or not I REALLY need a blender, mixer, mini-grill
*what the hell I'm doing having my own apartment!

I am Michelle, and I am a general worrier.
I am not however, worried about getting a Britta, because I KNOW I need one of those.