Sunday, February 27, 2011

Today I went on an Epic Quest to get bread. I forgot to put bread on my grocery list yesterday, and therefore I, obviously, forgot it at the store yesterday. And since I cannot survive without toast, going back to the store today was completely necessary.
It was mildly warm today, so I decided to just walk to the Pick and Save that is about 2.5 miles away from my house. This allowed me to double task by getting out of my apartment and therefore away form the crippling boredom that lives under my bed, and also get a good chunk of LSD type exercise in. (LSD =/= Acid. In the Exercise world LSD = long, slow distance, which is excellent for converting stored fat into energy). While walking to Pick N' Save, I noticed that the downtown Milwaukee Borders is going out of business (damn you Amazon Kindle, I assume) and everything in the store is on sale. Books on sale? Oh! I was drawn into the store like a moth to a flame! Although the selection was slightly disappointing - about half the store was cookbooks for some reason - I did find an Atlas of Human Anatomy that was different than the one Drew gave my for Christmas, and on sale for $16.00. SIXTEEN DOLLARS?!?! Usually textbook type medical books like that are over $100. So of course, I had to have it. I love books.

It's pretty great. It shows all the anatomy and includes the nerve and blood supply to each muscle! Which is something I need to know.

Got to Pick N' Save and bought my bread, and all that was fairly uneventful. On the way back, I decided not to wait for any crosswalks to give the the little walking man, and weaved my way back and forth through the area, which was perfectly safe, because that is a nice, trendy little area of town, mostly dominated by cafe's, expensive restaurants, and MSOE (Milwaukee School of Engineering - which I find fascinating because that school and Marquette are just integrated into the surrounding city, very unlike The U or Westminster, which are in the middle of the city, but their own separate little islands of school). I got slightly lost, but not really lost, but kind of. Only because I was being silly and forgot momentarily that streets in Milwaukee are not laid out in a nice grid system like at home, so at one point I ended up walking west instead of south like I was when I started on the road. It was ok though, all you have to do if you get lost in that part of town is look for the tall buildings and head towards them, because those are the buildings that line Wisconsin Ave, which is the main street running from the lake westward and cuts through the middle of downtown and the middle of Marquette's campus. It's kind of like the State Street of Milwaukee.
I stopping in at the Milwaukee Public Library, which is open on Sunday, which is shocking to me, I got my tax forms for Wisconsin and thought about how pretty the library looks (three stories and lots of wood furnishings) and how I would like to go wander around it one of these days.

Did I remember my camera while walking around? Of course not. So here is a photo of my pantry:

Hopefully you can accept two pictures today in place for missing a post yesterday. I was at Lita's house until 12:30 am watching Rent and eating mashed potatoes.

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