Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Are just a few of the things I have heard people say about the blizzard we had last night. And trust me, when I say blizzard I mean it.
I walked ONE WHOLE BLOCK to Nichole's house last night to hang out in celebration of our snow day today, and it was exhausting just to get there. Breaking a path from my apartment's back door to the street was hard enough, and when I got there, I stepped on a snow drift and sunk in past my knee! The whole time though, I was thinking about how AWESOME the snow would be if it wasn't blowing so hard it hurt your eyes to look anywhere but straight down. The viability was so bad you could barely even see across the street.
Sometimes, I take this ally/walk way between two other apartments because it's a straight shot to the street, rather than going around the apartments. When I walk there at night, sometimes I worry a hobo is going to reach out and get me. Yesterday when I walked outside I was kind of worried that the ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN was going to come out of nowhere and snatch me up.
I'm a bit sad I didn't get pictures last night, but here are some from what we woke up to:

Here I am standing on the sidewalk outside my apartment. Because of how the wind was blowing, you can see the side walk had to be carved down from about three feet of snow. Behind me, you can see a drift that comes up to my chest.

Here's a picture of someone who was lucky enough to park AFTER the wind. Nichole's poor car has a snow drift up and over half of her hood. They also plowed a line through her parking lot for some reason, putting a 4 foot wall of snow right on the side of her car. She wont be going anywhere for a while.
This is outside my front door. The three parts of the wall you can see are about knee, waist, and shoulder level.


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