Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So my Big Bad Semester Project in my Cognitive and Motor Learning class is to learn to juggle.
It's times like these when I love my major.

But it turns out I suck (hardcore) at juggling. I can get down throwing and catching two balls from hand to hand, but when it comes to throwing the third ball, my hand is just like "Ummm.. derp?" And so I end up making this jerky-flaily motion and the ball just stays in my hand. The two times I was actually able to throw the third ball out of my right hand I got so excited that I forgot completely about my left hand and everything comes tumbling down.
Luckily, I am not the only person in my class who can't juggle. Carrie and I spent most of class dropping our balls and exclaiming, "I don't even understand how to do this!!" For those in the class that CAN already juggle, our teacher is making them add a ball.

Never before in my life have I wanted to have grown up in a circus. Juggle six balls? Whatever. Six bowling pins? No big. Six FLAMING bowling pins? Well... the rest of the class is impressed, but I'm still bored.
If not for the ability in of itself, but to see the look on my professor's face and to see what she would make me do then.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, good luck! You'll get it. But this is a situation (one of many, as it turns out) where having a magician for an uncle comes in handy. I've been juggling since I was 8. My brother is much better than me, as is the case in all athletic/dexterity-requiring things we do together, but I can hold my own until we get to more than 4 balls. Or I used to be able to, I haven't tried for a few years.... But I wish that you were here or I was there, because I'd teach you all the tricks for learning how to juggle.
