Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saddest part

Don't get me wrong, I love that Drew makes the effort to find a flower shop in a different state, just to make sure I get something on Valentine's day. I love it, I do. It's thoughtful and kind and he writes very caring messages to go with.

But I just wish his gift lasted more than 5 days before the roses started to die. The frugal I'm-a-poor-college-student-and-I-have-no-money part of me thinks its stupid to spend that much money for flowers that are just going to die.

So I'm attempting to dry half of them out. All the ones that still looked perfect, and had the perfect degree of bloom. Two more are currently being squashed under 5 textbooks and a ream of copy paper. It's been suggested I forget about those for the next 30 to 45 years.

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