Saturday, February 19, 2011

drugs and French Toast

I feel like an old person on the day when I end up taking all my pills at the same time. Here, you can see:
Two 200mg Ibuprofen- last week marked a big step for me, I was able to run three miles, three times during the week and my knee did not hurt. I accredit this lack of grinding pain to the fact that Nichole and I have been regularly lifting weights (coach John style) Monday/Wednesday/Friday for the past month. She's been able to correct my form while squatting and I can literally see (and feel) my left leg getting stronger and the muscle imbalances I had evening out. So I can run on a treadmill without pain now, the only limit is my own intense boredom with running on treadmills. So the day after this amazing step, my plantar fascitis decides to flare up (again). Well fuck. Luckily, this time around I'm in the Athletic Training room everyday and have all sorts of rehab tools at my disposal, most especially, a golf ball. Yeah, a golf ball. You roll it around the bottom of your foot to break up adhesions and scar tissue and it actually feels pretty good. As it is always super slow at times during the spring, I can always recruit one of my classmates to give me deep tissue on the bottoms of my feet. I promise you, this isn't some nice foot rub. It's my classmate finding a cluster of scar tissue (mostly in my heal - which feels disgusting by the way, I can handle it on other people but the fact that it's in MY foot, ew) and digging their thumb into it in order to break it up. Danielle, my CI (clinical instructor and track and field certified athletic trainer, remember?) suggested a three day high-dose regiment of Ibuprofen. A single dose at a single instant works wonders for getting rid of pain, but the medication has to be in your system for at least two days before you get the anti-inflammatory effects. Hence, I am taking a prescription dose (600-800mg) every 6-8 hours - or 200mg every four hours, which I am doing.

Half a Women's Multi-Vitamin: It's got my vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, biotin, pathothenic acid, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, coper, manganese, chromium, and molybdenum. I really just want it for the vitamin C, calcium, and iron, all those other things are just extra. The only problem is, I get anywhere from 100% - 300% of my daily recommended value per capsule. Once the body reaches 100% of what it needs, it doesn't absorb anymore, and the extra is simply eliminated. Personally, I don't feel like peeing out half to three quarters of the daily vitamin that was over priced to begin with. So I take half a capsule every other day.

Fish Oil - It's full of omega-3 fatty acids and other good forms of fats that are used to make cell membranes and steroid-based hormones and LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein = good) It's also supposed to be good for my heart and joints, and my joints can use all the help they can get.

Also, it's Saturday, and I have nothing to do. No youth soccer, no athlete treatments, nothing. Which explains why I've been sitting around in my PJ bottoms for the past hour and a half. I'm thinking maybe I will do laundry today (I mean, have to do laundry), deep clean my apartment, go grocery shopping (why am I always out of milk?), and maybe go for a walk.
Ok, maybe not go for a walk. It was in the high 30's low 40's all week and now it's back down to 27*F. And it's supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow. Well fuck that.

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