Monday, December 13, 2010

Post # 325

I like candles. Especially these two, which both smell of Bath and Body's Warm Vanilla Sugar, which is possibly the best scent ever. Well, best scent from B&BW anyway. I think the best scent ever has to go to the way Drew smells right after he gets out of the shower. That mix of soap and deodorant and his cologne is just wonderful. I smelled someone who smelled like Drew in the library the other day. He walked by and I got a whiff of the air the swirled by and I was like *BUHGUHWHATISTHATWHOISTHATDUUHHHHH* while my head reeled and I did a double/triple/big-eyes-look-around-while-swaying-back-and-forth-thing.
But I digress.
The point of lighting candles is also that I have to pay for my electricity, so I find it very efficient to only leave the lamp on my desk on most of the time and just have a candle sitting on my dresser and one of my night stand.

It was very cold today.
The kind of cold where you go outside and think, "Ok, this is not comfortable but I only have 4 blocks to walk and I am sufficiently layered." Then the wind blows and hits your exposed face and ears and you start to think you would SELL YOUR VITAL ORGANS IF THAT WOULD MAKE THE WIND STOP.
Seriously. Fuck the wind. Have you ever heard anyone say their favorite weather is windy? No, you have not.

Remember at the beginning of the year when I mentioned I liked working at the bookstore cause it was simple and monotonous and I didn't have to think about it? I'm there again for a few days, this time I'm helping receive shipments of books for next semester and check them into the system and put them on the shelves.
I think it's cause I spend so much time ENJOYING working with men's soccer and being in the training room in general. Once again I know what it's like to enjoy a job and so it's overwhelmingly horrid when I'm stuck somewhere I don't want to be, knowing that THERE IS SOMETHING BETTER OUT THERE FOR ME.
But I'll make about $75 which will help pay for Christmas gifts this year.

Speaking of money, within the last five days I:
Paid rent for December and Janurary
Bought Drew's Christmas gift
Bought Drew's gift for our Anniversary (four years, wow!)
Bought some "I <3 MU Athletic Training" shirts (they're supposed to be like the I love NY ones)
So when I checked my bank account to make sure my rent check got cashed (and have documentation for it if they try to make me pay for January) it was kind of sad to see the balance over a thousand dollars less than it was a week ago. And it's not like the money isn't in there, it is. It's not like if it didn't all leave at once, the same amount wouldn't have been taken out over the next two months if I was here to give them a check for January rent. It's not like I don't expect to have anymore than $500 to my name by the time the school year is over and am planning on building the balance back up next summer. Cause all the money in there is for rent, and I will make money for next year's rent over the summer. That's how my finance works right now.
But man, that's a lot of money to have gone in less than a week.
On the plus side, I've been covering a bunch of youth club soccer games that are being played at Marquette (inside, don't worry!) every Saturday. One of our assistant coaches is the coach for one of these teams, so he asked us students if we wanted to work them. I was the only person to say yes, so there you go. I sit and do homework or read all day on Saturday and every now and then give a kid some ice and tell him that nothing is broken. The check I get from that will come in February after the league is over and it should be for about $800 or so. Which is quite a bit of money for me right now.

I called Hand and Ortho two weeks ago to remind my supervisor the days I'll be home for Christmas, and asked if he could please put out a memo for all the other aides saying I'm looking for hours if anyone needs days covered. So far I've heard nothing. I wasn't expecting to be working everyday, but I was hoping to get at least a few hours there.
I'm still haven't decided if I want to call Smiths or not. In theory, I'm still on pay roll and could work over Christmas... And yeah, if I worked 20 hours a week the three weeks I'm home that would be over a month's worth of rent. But... I just really don't want to. I don't know why either. I don't HATE working there, I generally get along with everyone and it would give me something to do.
But the line of "Worth it" money wise is a very fine line. Or is it? I guess the 12-16 hours a week I put in over the summer wasn't bad really. Maybe I will call tomorrow, just to make sure I really am still on payroll and don't have to go through the whole application thing again.
Uhhhhggggg... I can't think right now. My brain is mush from trying to drain out Human Physiology (which I rocked [hopefully] this morning) and make room for religion.

I don't even know.
I'm sleepy. Maybe I'll take a nap then get up and study some more and feel better about the world.

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