Sunday, December 5, 2010

My tea is pink!
Lipton's Pomegranate-Cherry Green Tea. Yum.

All I want to do on Sunday is cook things. I get the feeling the cornbread in the oven isn't going to turn out. My oven is so old there is no indication of when it's done pre-heating, and I forgot to PAM the dish before I put the batter in it. Oh well, if my cornbread turns out falling apart and ugly I'm sure it will still taste ok.

Good News: I don't have rheumatoid arthritis. My blood work came back either negative for the factors or within normal levels.
Bad News: We have no idea what's wrong with me. Could be a genetic thing, could be fibromyalgia, could be related to myofascial tightness, could be left over from a virus I had when I was a baby, could be my thyroid. Could be a whole host of things that require really expensive blood work to find, and when a doctor does find it, they say, "well, that sucks, there's really no cure for that."
For now I'm just paying attention, rather than trying to ignore it. I'm keeping a journal about when the pain happens, what I was doing, and what I did the previous day. I'm keeping a food log to see if I'm secretly allergic to something and don't know it. If things get worse, like, way worse, I go back and tell Dr. Grove about it. If things stay how they are, then that's that. I figure no one knew this about me before I said anything, no one would have known had I not mentioned it, and if I had no problem dealing with it then, I will have no problem doing what I've done for the past 20 and a half years: Nothing.
I'm certainly not going to chase after an answer about this for years and let it consume my life.

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