Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's raining, which means it's not cold enough to snow. On some level, I feel this should make me happy. However, I'm just pissed off that it's raining and my pant hems got wet walking back from youth soccer.
Oh, and pounding down the hot chocolate. I definitely shouldn't leave chocolate out of my diet like I did for this whole semester. There is no point.

Yesterday I had my End of the Season meeting with Lauren, where she just went over what she wrote on my personal evaluation that she gives to... I dunno actually. Probably Chris Geiser, who's the program director.
I was a bit worried that she was going to chew me out for being shy and not always jumping in with the small talk. Quite the contrary! She said she was very impressed with how far I had come since the beginning of the semester and especially from last spring. That she knew I didn't have the same personality as the other junior AT students who were assigned to soccer, and the fact that I tend to assess situations and figure out who the strong personalities in a group are in order to find my place is perfectly acceptable. So what if I can't take on a few of the guys who are loud and frighteningly inappropriate? Lauren commented on how well I work one-on-one with people, especially the two guys I've been doing rehab with 4 times a week for the past month, and how that's going to suit me wonderfully when I am a PT.
She told me that my knowledge of athletic training for were I am in school is right were it should be, if not slightly above the curve. All I have to do is gain confidence in my eval skills and know that 9 times out of 10, what I think is wrong with someone IS INDEED what is wrong. I also need to remember to always do my evals in a specific order: 1) What Happened, 2) Where does it hurt?, 3) Does it hurt if I poke you right here?, 4) Motion and Strength, 5)S pecial Tests, 5) Conclusion.
She said she is fully comfortable leaving me in charge of the training room and people's rehabs if she has to step out for 10 minutes or an hour. And that next year when I'm on Track/Tennis for the first half of the semester she'll let me do evals AND COME UP WITH REHAB PLANS on my own!!
Lauren said above all though, she was very impressed with my maturity and professionalism in the Athletic Training room, especially when it came to working with an all male team. She said I am one of the few girl's she's worked with who's been able to strike the perfect balance of getting to know the guys, being able to talk to them and have fun with them; yet still knowing my place and their place in the AT-athlete relationship, not give into wanting the attention, not letting them flirt with me, very importantly not flirting back; and at the end of the day be able to do soft-tissue mobilization (think deep tissue massage) on someone's groin and hip flexor, then fist pound them on the way out. She said she LOVES being able to tell the program directors that the female AT students manage to find the line and walk that line with perfect balance without once falling to either side like I did. Most of the time gender isn't brought up unless it's an issue, she loves being able to bring it up in a positive way.
She said that I was going to be great at what I do someday.

And I was just like ... WOW! Lauren is one of the people I look up to most in this world! To hear her say nothing but good things means so much to me!!

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