Monday, April 19, 2010


In the past week it has gone from gray ugly winter to BAM! green and spring. Which I very much prefer.
I had a test in Strength and Conditioning today. If I did the two word/essay/application/whatever you call them problems correctly, I got an A. If I did them wrong, I failed. I guess we'll see in lab. (But I'm pretty sure I did them right)

Also, it smelled like toast today by the library.

I'm still kinda sick, but I'm getting better. The worse part is I've missed working out for the past two days.
HOWEVER! Thanks the a feverish-Nyquil dream the other night, I now know how to cross into parallel universes. It's actually quite easy.

If and when I figure out time travel, I'm going to go back to 1970 and put everything I have into Disney stock.


  1. Better yet, go back to 1980 and invest in microsoft. I feel like you'd make much more money that way. :)

  2. Also, go back to whatever year Yahoo and Google came out and buy stock in them as well....and then maybe share with Matt and I cuz you love us. :)
