Saturday, April 17, 2010

A general uncomfortableness set in last night, which has progressed to a slight tickle in my throat - thus resulting in a periodic cough - and a slight headache. So I made the executive decision to skip volunteering this morning and sleep in till 11:15am, which I think was a wise choice. Hopefully I can keep this cold at bay until tomorrow, because I'm supposed to be working at the soccer game tonight. I mean, I COULD email Lauren (the Head ATC for men's soccer and my Clinical Instructor) and tell her that I'm sick, but if I can manage to stay where I am now, I should be good to go. Plus, I'm doing nothing tomorrow, so it is just generally a better day for the immune system/virus battle to climax and consequently make me feel like shit.


And no, I'm not taking Nyquil at 11:30am. I just can't find the Dayquil box, and I'm not going to just put an orange pill on here. That would be silly.

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