Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Two weeks

Exactly two weeks from now I will be at the airport, checking my bag, and hoping my foam roller isn't squished on the way home. Getting from 21 days down to 14 has taken FOREVER, but I am now entering the end of the semester time crunch where I just have to take everything one or two days at a time. Right now, I'm focused on the rest of the day - my Stats test and going to the training room; and thinking about tomorrow - going to the rec center and playing basketball for class (I'm serious). I'll worry about the weekend and finishing my two projects tomorrow; and I will worry about my Strength and Conditioning practical (which is on Wednesday) on Tuesday.
It's actually a fairly good system, and has gotten me through three sets of finals already. Once one test is over I start thinking about the next one, it keeps me from becoming overwhelmed. Speaking of finals, if you include practicals and projects, I have TWELVE this year.
That seems like a bit much to me.

Also, I can't wait until I live somewhere I can have a garden. I'm going to fill it with pretty things, whether is it a whole yard or just a flower box on the porch.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Favorte Song of the Week

Why is Lady Gaga so fucking catchy?
I guess that is the point though.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Foam Roll

My baby.
It's hard, cylindrical foam. You roll on it for myofascial release (getting rid of tight muscles). It's on of those god-awful painful things that is really good for you in the long run. It takes quite a lot of self control to use it for more than 3 seconds, especially on my IT Bands and Quads (which I never realized were so tight all the time.)

Hmm... my feet look weird.

Monday, April 26, 2010


...are worth the effort.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I did not see THIS bunny today. But I did see A BUNNY outside the Jez-Rez (Jesuit Residence Apartments) today on the way to dinner. Of course, I did not have my camera.

Yesterday, when we got back from the track meet, there was a TURKEY wandering around the parking lot of the Old Gym. It was confusing and awesome because it was a turkey.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

This shows about HALF of my roommate's shoe collection.
It is beyond me why anyone needs so many pairs of shoes.
Especially the two pairs of purple heels that look exactly the same.
Maybe I'm just bitter that she has everything in life handed to her, and that Mommy dearest is paying for all of her tuition AND rent next year, so she sees no reason not to blow her entire pay check on clothes.
And she bitches about how she has to go do something she enjoys, and make more in a week doing it that I'll make in a month.
But every now and then, she has an "Oh my god, my major is pointless," moment, and I. Just. Laugh.
So yeah, I'm a little bitter.

It is also beyond me how someone could be as content as her to live in their own mess and filth like she does, but that is another rant entirely.

Friday, April 23, 2010

good news

For the last two weeks of school, I'll be making $7.50 an hour working in the book store as people sell their books back and generally get ripped off.
I will be shocked, SHOCKED, if I manage to make $100 through the whole thing; but you know what? A job is a job, and if someone wants to hire me right now I am NOT going to complain about it.
There is also the possibility of working during the first two weeks of the semester next fall, when everyone is getting here buying there books. If I can manage to hold on to that 4 weeks a semester deal, I might be able to work all summer when I'm stuck here taking classes between senior year and my 5th year. That is supposedly 40 hours a week, but I'm sure they are good with working around class schedules. This is a SCHOOL after all.

Still haven't heard from the PT place at home though...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

nice day too!

The awful smelling trees.

Today was hydrotherapy lab. We got to sit in a hot tub for half the class and the other half was spent playing on an underwater treadmill.
I love my major. ^.^

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I want

Calla Lilies

Bleeding Hearts


To be the flowers at my wedding.
I want a calla lily bouquet, and my flower girl to drop individual bleeding hearts and bunches of lilac down the isle.
I figured this out yesterday, and I am very, very set on it.

It was a very random realization.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This bush is right outside the library, and smells very much like one that was at my Grandparent's house before they moved into their condo. It's probably the same kind of plant. Every time I walk past I am reminded of Easter Egg hunts and rolling down the hill and looking for snail shells and playing trucks in the planter with my brother and cousin.
They are NOT to be confused with the similar looking trees, which smell awful.

Today, I woke up at 6:51am to the sound of my roommate getting in the shower. I have to be to work on Tuesday mornings at 7:00am at the Athletic Training Room in the AL Mcquire Basketball Center, which is a good 15 minute walk from my dorm. I was properly dressed, presentable, ready for the day, but most importantly, I WAS ON TIME.
Don't act like you're not impressed.

I think that may be one of my super powers actually. Being able to get ready to go in ungodly short amounts of time given that I am in fact, a girl.
Well, that and being able to defy the laws of physics and drop drinking glasses on the tile without breaking them. True story, I was unloading the dishwasher and it just bounced.

Monday, April 19, 2010


In the past week it has gone from gray ugly winter to BAM! green and spring. Which I very much prefer.
I had a test in Strength and Conditioning today. If I did the two word/essay/application/whatever you call them problems correctly, I got an A. If I did them wrong, I failed. I guess we'll see in lab. (But I'm pretty sure I did them right)

Also, it smelled like toast today by the library.

I'm still kinda sick, but I'm getting better. The worse part is I've missed working out for the past two days.
HOWEVER! Thanks the a feverish-Nyquil dream the other night, I now know how to cross into parallel universes. It's actually quite easy.

If and when I figure out time travel, I'm going to go back to 1970 and put everything I have into Disney stock.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I has one

However, it could be worse. While my throat hurts and my chest feels slightly tight and water-logged, my head is fine. I not confined to my bed (although all I've done is sleep sleep sleep today) and I can go eat if I get hungry.
Hopefully this is gone by tomorrow, I have a test.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A general uncomfortableness set in last night, which has progressed to a slight tickle in my throat - thus resulting in a periodic cough - and a slight headache. So I made the executive decision to skip volunteering this morning and sleep in till 11:15am, which I think was a wise choice. Hopefully I can keep this cold at bay until tomorrow, because I'm supposed to be working at the soccer game tonight. I mean, I COULD email Lauren (the Head ATC for men's soccer and my Clinical Instructor) and tell her that I'm sick, but if I can manage to stay where I am now, I should be good to go. Plus, I'm doing nothing tomorrow, so it is just generally a better day for the immune system/virus battle to climax and consequently make me feel like shit.


And no, I'm not taking Nyquil at 11:30am. I just can't find the Dayquil box, and I'm not going to just put an orange pill on here. That would be silly.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I didn't get the DR job I was hoping for. (DR = Desk Receptionist = check people into the dorm)
So now the $5,000 I was planning on making (which would cover rent for the whole year AND leave me $1,110 for whatever I want) is no longer a possibility and has to come from another source. I'm still positive about the summer job at the PT place at home, but I was hoping I would be able to put everything I make from that into tuition and not towards rent.

But it will be ok. Right?

Thursday, April 15, 2010


If Milwaukee was like this all the time (75* and sunny) I don't think I would hate this city as much as I do. Unfortunately, I only get this for 20% of the time I am here, and it's windy and cloudy and cold for the other 80%.

Also, I wish I had a pair of shorts here. It's hot in jeans.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fun Fact:

I love the smell of freshly cut grass. I think it's because it reminds me of my dad, and how when I was really little I'd follow him around the yard with my lawn mower that blew bubbles, making sure I stayed in the lines he was making.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I gave blood today, and from that saved three lives.
Good for me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

This week's favorite song

Yeah, it's plain to see, that baby you're beautiful.
And there's nothing wrong with you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Apparently, someone has been hunting down vampires on campus.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Last night I realized that I could take brocolli, cauliflower, and cheese from the salad bar, and PUT IT IN THE MICROWAVE TO MELT THE CHEESE. I am kind of embarrassed it took me two years to figure this out.

Today is going to be a long day.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Valley

To me, this is a class room:

As you can see, there is a football/lacross field, track, practice soccer field, and game soccer field.
Speaking of track, the meet I'm working at on the 24th will feature the STEEPLE CHASE which I am very excited to see.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I could have lived on the 6th floor.
But I liked the room number 0408 much more.
Cause every time I walk in my front door, I think of Drew.
Happy Birthday love.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jelly Belly

The pinks and blues are really good. I think orange is supposed to be tangerine and the tan-ish ones are grapefruit. The yellows taste like the shampoo at Fantastic Sams, so when I eat those ones I close my eyes and pretend I'm getting a hair cut.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's this?

What's this? What's this?
There's color everywhere
What's this?
No more white things in the air
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Please don't get cold again, that isn't fair
What's this?

What's this? What's this?
There's something very wrong
What's this?
There are people wearing foot thongs

What's this?
The streets are lined with
Little creatures laughing
Everybody seems so happy
Have I possibly gone daffy?
What is this?
What's this?

There are students sitting outside here
instead of in their beds
They're busy throwing frizbees
And footballs over head

There's sun through every window
Oh, I can't believe my eyes
And in my bones I feel the warmth
That's coming from up high

Monday, April 5, 2010

More Easter.

Elvis the cat. He's very old and doesn't have much to say.

Mara's parents made us an Easter Egg hunt.

Me, Jen, and Mara.

It was really fun. Even though we are all 20 years old.

They make me feel very short. But, yes, that is ANOTHER new dress. Mara's sister Hope was going through her things to give to Goodwill, and because they are all very nice high-end items, I was forced to try things on and model. Although, it is kind of fun to know you are wearing a $200 dress to dinner at the country club her parents belong to rather than the $14 one you got at Target.
Even though her parents belong to a country club, they are not stuck up or pompus, and we spent all of dinner making fun of people who are. Mara's parents are very nice and very quickly becoming my Milwaukee parents, which is nice. It makes me feel better being here, knowing I can go to them if I need to.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

This is Crosby. Mara's dog. He's cuddly.

Sorry for a lack of picture yesterday, there is not wireless at Mara's parent's apartment.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So I bought a dress.