Saturday, February 6, 2010

Road Trip!

My friend Nicole and I left Milwaukee at 11:00am this morning and drove three hours north to Wausau, Wisconsin today. We are volunteering for the Badger Games as medical personal. I told you about this yesterday.
I took a picture about halfway through the drive at the gas station we stopped at. You can see said picture above.

The ice rink I was at today was only half a mile away from the hotel we are staying at for the night, and Nicole dropped me off there before heading to the rink she was stationed at, which is about 15 minutes away. I signed up to work from 3:30pm until 8pm. All the events were over by 4:15pm, so it was very lucky I was so close to our hotel, as I was able to walk back, instead of wait for Nicole to be done at the other rink and come get me.
The orginization at the rink I was at was frustrating, to say the least. Not only did no one know where to send me as first aid/medical, no one knew where their first aid kits had gone. Eventually I was given a box of bandaids. Um, thanks. If any of the participants here need serious medical attention I can't help them at all. I was also not given gloves, so even if someone was bleeding out I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'm sure none of the 8-17 year olds there had AIDS, but it has been ingrained into my head that before you do anything PUT YOUR GODDAMN GLOVES ON.
Tomorrow, I am at the other rink with Nicole. She said she has had a couple knees and ankles she has had to look at for possible tears/fractures. This will make the day much more interesting, if not more stressful. But apparently there is an actual first aid kit there, so that's good.

For now, I'm just enjoying having some time to myself in the hotel room. Which is nicer than my dorm room at school. Lame.

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