Wednesday, February 10, 2010

let down

After over 24 hours of constant snow, and being promised 10-12 inches for two days, we end up with... four. I am disappointed Milwaukee. For as much of a show you put on all day yesterday, this is a pretty weak final product.
On the bright side, it's not even close to being as cold as it was last year. (So I guess I'm looking on the warm side?) Last year at this time we would celebrate if the STANDING temperature got above 0* F, but this year it is a balmy low 20's. Unless some tragity happens in the next two weeks I really don't think it will ever get oh-god-I-dread-going-outside-it-hurts-it-hurts-it-hurts! kind of cold. We had a "warm" snap last year in the middle of February (it went from being -38 with the wind to being low 30's. And while that's still below freezing, 60 degrees is a lot) and then it started warming up for real once we got past Spring Break.
Spring Break is only 30 days away! Which means I'm home in a month!

Also, according to my Strength and Conditioning lab instructors, I have crazy strong hamstrings. I demonstrated an exercise called the Russian Curl - you kneel and have someone hold your ankles down, then slowly lean forward without bending at your hips at all. You also have someone to catch your shoulders once you get past about 10* of movement, cause you are going to fall flat on your face. After we go through all the exercises we are learning that day, the class has about 15 minutes to go over any of them. No one in my class could hold themselves as stiff or go to the same angle I did. So I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now.

Also again, you can't learn with your clothes on. That is a direct quote from one of the physical therapists who helps run my kinesiology lab.

There is no day during the week where I can wear jeans all day. The only time this happens is if the girl's basketball team is away on either Saturday or Sunday. This is why I put on jeans when I say I'll be dressing up.

Lately I feel like I can't expand my lungs all the way and get a full breath unless I really forcefully inhale and focus on the muscles in my chest pulling my ribs up and away. It's irritating. And slightly panic inducing when it happens while I'm running.

I'm STILL not drinking enough water.

I know I'm two months late on this, but my New Year's Resolution is to take 10 minutes everyday and stretch. I'd also really like to learn how to not let things bother me that are not my problem, I have no control over, or don't fucking matter in the first place.

I'm in a great mood. :)
I think it's because I'm so tired I think I might die, but I'm past that cognitive stage, and into the one where everything is goddamn hilarious.

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